Help! Supra doesn't run right

Abe's 1987

Sep 5, 2017
Minimum bachelors in your field of interest: Chemical, Mechanical, or Electrical Engineering.

Its possible to move up with just a Bachelors but takes longer and not quite as high.

Lots of people here with masters degrees and phd's as well required for senior engineers / managers / ect..

Yeah the pay is good, but benefits are beginning to go in the shitter.
I believe there are lots of companies that are doing this though across the board, not just us.
They keep passing more and more of the cost of health insurance and retirement related expenses to the worker.

I talk with some of these older employees that started working early enough to receive a pension when they retire.
They complain their pension fund stopped growing a few years ago when they eliminated it.
When they retire they can expect to receive social security, their 401k and a pension combined, plus any side investments if they did that.
They don't seem to fully understand that the younger work force will never even see a pension in their lifetime.

Will be interesting to see in the future how this all plays out.
I anticipate a huge amount of now currently young workforce that will enter retirement and have saved nearly nothing.

I don't expect to receive anything from social security by the time I retire, in 30 years the baby boomers will have likely drained that dry as well.

Anyway rant/ over.
That went way off topic. lol

No that's cool I enjoy these off topic rants every now and then. Keeps me motivated to actually do something with my life.

So back to the battery. They put it on the charging unit only to find out the battery is in fact bad. Will get a new one most likely next week. Then back to figuring out the fuel problem.


New Member
Apr 10, 2006
San Antonio, Tx.
Set no.1 cylinder to TDC on the compression stroke. Make sure the crank pulley mark is at 0. Check to make sure your camshaft timing marks are where they're supposed to be. Please take pic and post. Just checking.


New Member
Oct 30, 2015
Minimum bachelors in your field of interest: Chemical, Mechanical, or Electrical Engineering.

Its possible to move up with just a Bachelors but takes longer and not quite as high.

Lots of people here with masters degrees and phd's as well required for senior engineers / managers / ect..

Yeah the pay is good, but benefits are beginning to go in the shitter.
I believe there are lots of companies that are doing this though across the board, not just us.
They keep passing more and more of the cost of health insurance and retirement related expenses to the worker.

I talk with some of these older employees that started working early enough to receive a pension when they retire.
They complain their pension fund stopped growing a few years ago when they eliminated it.
When they retire they can expect to receive social security, their 401k and a pension combined, plus any side investments if they did that.
They don't seem to fully understand that the younger work force will never even see a pension in their lifetime.

Will be interesting to see in the future how this all plays out.
I anticipate a huge amount of now currently young workforce that will enter retirement and have saved nearly nothing.

I don't expect to receive anything from social security by the time I retire, in 30 years the baby boomers will have likely drained that dry as well.

Anyway rant/ over.
That went way off topic. lol

Pirate, you at JCI?

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New Member
Oct 30, 2015
I spent most of my career there. Did my black belt training with some of the battery team back in ‘03.

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Far From Maddening Crowds
Staff member
Super Moderator
Dec 30, 2005

A lot of the older career guys you probably met have been retiring in the last few years.
Most will be gone in 3-4 years.

Abe's 1987

Sep 5, 2017
Ok I just stuck my inspection camera into the fuel tank through the sender unit hole. From what i see the tank and fuel pump looks clean. I see no rust at all. I will test the volts to the pump tomorrow at idle and revving up. I will also crawl under the car to make sure the lines are all good.
Oct 11, 2005
Thousand Oaks, CA
For the timing check, did you mechanically verify TDC with a chopstick or something through the sparkplug hole?

Good news on the tank. Something is affecting the pressure though.

Abe's 1987

Sep 5, 2017
Yes I verified tdc with a 12 inch ratchet extension in cyl 1.

Will differently figure the fuel problem soon. With new battery, added some new 93 octane gas, and got the new banjo tap in I will start testing and checking things tomorrow.

Abe's 1987

Sep 5, 2017
Update. Retested fuel pressure
Key on Fp - +B 37 psi
Idle with fpr unplugged 37 psi
Snap throttle with fpr unplugged and capped drops from 37 to 33ish psi
Fpr plugged in with vsv bypassed 28 psi
After engine shut off it held 23 psi for well around 10 mins

Volt to fuel pump at idle 7.44 volts
Volt to fuel pump at 4000 rpm 9.41 volts

Back probe e2 and fpr on ecu
at idle 0.53 volts
At 3500 rpm 10.50 volts

Look at fuel lines no twist ,bends, pinches, or leaks all looks good. Seems to be revving higher rpms with fpr vsv bypassed. But still not there, still hitting lack of fuel between 3000 to 4000 rpms.
Last edited:
Oct 11, 2005
Thousand Oaks, CA
It should not drop more than 1.5 psi. If the pressure does drop more than 1.5 psi, there's a fuel delivery problem.

Your pump voltage seems low. Mine is 10V low speed and 13.5V high speed. Is your battery voltage about 14V with engine running? What is the voltage if you power the pump through the diag box?

Abe's 1987

Sep 5, 2017
Ok so I think I'm having alternator problems as at idle my battery reads at 12.4 volts. But the alternator tested good at autozone and I'm seeing 14 volts to the charge fuse in the engine fuse box but it is not getting to the battery. Probably why my other battery took a shit.

I haven't test volts while fuel pump power through the diag box.

So now I need to figure out my alternator problem. Maybe the reason I'm having multiple issues.