Could be a ton of different things.
Connect an ammeter in series on the negative battery terminal so all the current is going through the meter.
Do not turn on any lights or other high current components or you may blow the 10A fuse usually in multimeters.
Trick the hood sensor that its closed.
Fully turn off the vehicle and lock / enable security system (if it has it), everything you would normally do to leave the vehicle.
Get a baseline amperage reading once the vehicle has fully shut off.
Start pulling individual fuses to see which one(s) drop the amperage significantly.
Once you find a circuit that might be the culprit you can continue diagnosing it further.
Would also suggest checking stray current discharge going into the coolant system, this is usually caused by bad grounding / on engine / vehicle ect..
Can also lead to galvanic corrosion on internal coolant system components.
Vehicles should have a quiescent or key off load of approximately 10 - 60 milliamps.
Most vehicles are ~ 20mA
(That's 0.020A)
Anything higher and you have too much draw somewhere and should be fixed.

Which setting would I put the meter on, just double checking to make sure I'll be on the right setting.