supraman502;1168314 said:I'm still waiting to hear your "facts" on how a dry rack steers just as good as one with sealed fluid in it.....
do you understand what "facts" & "opinions" mean?
Fact- I want to remove my p/s
Opinion - dry rack is easier to steer than a fluid sealed rack
Fact - Easier to work on a motor that doesnt have p/s items or fluid from a leaky system
Opinion- no p/s is super hard to steer
Fact - your opinion has nothing to do with the length needed to loop the system
Fact - A 7mgte with a hks long runner manifold and GT4088 makes it harder to get to areas with p/s in the way
apparently you don't understand how this works. I need not provide you facts on such ignorant statement such as
supraman502;1168314 said:I'm still waiting to hear your "facts" on how a dry rack steers just as good as one with sealed fluid in it.....
since i never stated no such idiocies. But seeing as reading comprehension is lacking....
figgie said:No hydraulic assist, regardles if it is looped back or not is the same in both cases regardless of what you "think or feel". The MKIII power steering rack is not a perpetual machine
Gee I wonder why that COMMA is there after the first three words? Perhaps to insert a pause to clarify the sentence... nah can not be!
Toyota ENGINEERS designed the steering rack to be hydraulic assisted. What you decide to redneck rig your car is out of this forums focal point (and looping a system so it does no work is the very definition of redneck rigging)
My strength, again making assumptions makes an ass out of U and only U as it does not affect me in anyway.
GT4088? Really? That turbo size has to do with PS resevior interference how exactly? Let me guess. Wasn't designed correctly so now you have to hodge podge the layout to make it work? Not surprising.