The fact of the matter is...
If you PROPERLY build a 7M, and are smart with it (Maintenanace, Tune, etc),
The results are fascinating.
I don't think anyone in their right mind can stand on two legs defending against this.
Of course, if you build it right with enough money, ANY motor can hold it's own...
But not many 20 year old motors are capable of making over 750rwhp on factory internals.
For you 7M haters...Is this really not enough evidence that the 7M can be an absolutely AMAZING powerhouse when it's not in the hands of a broke teenager?
As I sit here within ownership of a 1JZ, I can still proudly say I'm a 7M lover.
Just because a large majority of 7M MKIII owners are young, broke & uneducated doesn't mean a damned thing. It just means that MKIII's are afforable enough for low-income individuals, and given it's a 1xx,xxx+ 20 year old motor...
Shit is going to break. Simple as that.
Also, For the love of the representing 7M Supra community,
Please get those damned, "7M Free Zone since xxxx" sayings out of your Signature.
IMO, It only shows ignorance and is a bit aggrevating to me, if you ask.
Besides, I'm sure your 7M didn't blow up "for no reason".
Stop blaming your motor for your mistakes.