Waiting at a stop light this morning on the way to work when ..WHAM!! Lady not paying attention slams into me from behind. Shoves me into a raised pickup truck. His towing hitch creases my front bumper.
Just took it into the body shop for an estimate. $3,321.74 is the initial estimate. I think its going to be higher when they get into it. I got a feeling that the insurance company is going to toal it out.

Couple of dents in my back bumper. I think it actually caused the cover in the back to pop off the hooks and recoil back to the rear seats. The hatchback is misaligned also. It teeter-totters if you push on each corner in the back.
Won't hear back until early next week on what the insurance company is going to decide.
First time I've been in a major accident like this. What happens if they do total it out??
Just took it into the body shop for an estimate. $3,321.74 is the initial estimate. I think its going to be higher when they get into it. I got a feeling that the insurance company is going to toal it out.

Couple of dents in my back bumper. I think it actually caused the cover in the back to pop off the hooks and recoil back to the rear seats. The hatchback is misaligned also. It teeter-totters if you push on each corner in the back.
Won't hear back until early next week on what the insurance company is going to decide.
First time I've been in a major accident like this. What happens if they do total it out??