First, thanks for the pictures and link to the install write-up. I pulled the cross bar on mine since it makes the job a bit easier and it's not hard to pull.
I got my core at O'Rielly's since Autozone was on what seemed perpetual back order. Not a great looking core compared to factory, nor does it come with new o-rings or clips, but for under $50 I won't complain. If you do get one of these, let me tell you that the tubes are a VERY tight press to get installed and I had to do some massaging of the core-to-tube lips to get them flush in order to put on the clips. Also, the foam strips it comes with are kinda pathetic, but they do keep the core from wiggling around in the heater box.
I'm just glad that I'll have heat and that the new core won't leak and steam up my windshield anymore. Getting coolant residue off the windshield is one big pain in the rear.