He Did It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Orion ZyGarian

Jeff Lange wannabe
Apr 2, 2005
Sarasota, FLorida
The people around here that refer to it as a truck engine call it that because it has more torque/is oversquare (or was it under?)

I'd pick a KA24 MANY TIMES more so over an SR20. I've heard that the SR's head was designed so that its sufficient up to redline, but if you go over redline much at all its fubar.

I'd like to know also if the KA24 and SR20s are interference engines or not


Mar 30, 2005
Winston, NC
Jeff Lange said:
(PS: The 300ZX always looked better than the 240SX ;) -- except the S15, it's a tough one on that :p)

the main problem with the S15 is the taillights remind me way too much of a Grand Am or so.

As for the KA motor...I'd take one. My friend had like, a 95 240 and kept the KA. He turbo'd it and tuned it...that thing would waste my 7M every day of the week.


Lifetime Ban
Mar 31, 2005
Murfreesboro, TN
LOL ESC, about the S15 tailights..thats exactly what they look like to me!

KA turbos are very potent motors! There is a guy in my town with one...it sounds mean as heck! But you must change out some bottem end tidbits to actually make them safe for prolonged use...the stock rods and pistons arent made to handle boost or those types of loads put on the motor in a turbo configuration.

That being said I should have some pics up tonight...LOL I totally forgot this morning about getting them uploaded!

You might remember if you were in that particular thread about a cheap mk4 for sale..I mentiond my friends really good deal on a 95' GST eclipse in really good shape..

Well I saw it with my own eyes...really hurt ( the maaco paint job didnt even have a real clear coat...) Well we noticed it had a bit of rattle..the rpm were great and consistent during idle....but the car just "shook"...he said it had a small exhaust leak...that lead me to concern.

: we were on our way to another city to pick up wholesale parts for the GST...new fuses and OEM parts he needed:

Within the next 10 or so minutes it got worse, and he did a short 1st gear launch slipping the clutch with some hesitation from the pedal ( another bad sign LOL)....then a humongous BAM occured...LMAO It scared both of us. It started to chatter...like a shredding tire or belt...

It turns out it was the A/C compressor had been hitting against the inner metal fender in the bay....the main rear center engine mount was broken and was letting the motor shift...which actually showed another problem, of a CV joint poping!

: we decided to take it to one shop that the previous owner said he used to fix the car......then we figured out the motor mount problem and did the temp fix below...then made our way to another shop a fellow friend owns and runs very successfully; Bills Import Clinic :

it got so bad that the A/C compressor SIEZED and stalled the motor at one of our buddies import shops here in town ( we know quite of few guys...get the hook up)...we cut the belt off and now it has no A/C....and needs $500 worth of motor mounts...and also we had to shove a brake pad under the subframe inbetween it and the chassis to keep the motor from moving and rocking about!

All in all, he is having to resale the car....he has had it with Mitsu and their horrible products....they just dont last LOL...

So more often than not...the good car deals primarily are hiding something.

PS: We also found out while talking to Bill ( import clinic owner) that when he looked at the exterior condition being repainted and some weld marks in the engine bay, he suspected a salvage title...well the title was clear...but the car came out of Mississippi where the title was "lost"....and the new title was furnished in TN as a "CLEAN" title....another pointer to look out for with out of state vehicles! So it appears the car may have had a salvage title!!!!

That was my day in a super duper small nutshell... :p

Thanks for the nice comments guys! I will keep you on top of our future endevours as I like to say....since most of them are out of the ordinary LOL....My next super motor build is drawing closer and the 300zx motor swap that will hopefully follow or come before!

-Jonathan Mann


siman said:
Within the next 10 or so minutes it got worse, and he did a short 1st gear launch slipping the clutch with some hesitation from the pedal ( another bad sign LOL)....then a humongous BAM occured...LMAO It scared both of us. It started to chatter...like a shredding tire or belt...

so...the car is vibrating violently.... what better way to fix it then launch it..sure.... :kloguck:


Lifetime Ban
Mar 31, 2005
Murfreesboro, TN
lanky189 said:
so...the car is vibrating violently.... what better way to fix it then launch it..sure.... :kloguck:

no LOL...he was told by the previous owner ( seller) that it had an exhaust leak...those of us who have had an exhaust leak KNOW how much vibration can insue on the car! We thought it was that....but when the drag launched it ( slipping the clutch, not dumping) the front right CV joint popped and the motor just made a loud BANG sound....it was the A/C condensor and pully hitting the inner fender area and the motor shifting caused the CV joint to pop....


SIman...i'm seriously not trying to start a fight.. but my corolla had an exhaust leak recently.. basically the flange was finger tight to the manifold... it was loud...and it was leaky..but there was no vibration... the manifold bolts where loose too... still no vibration....

anywho.... it's a shame someone would let such a stupid incident ruin thier interest in a vehicle that is so mod friendly and such fun to drive... what would have happened if people with BHGs would immediately give up on Supra's.. we wouldnt be here....it wouldn't be fun.


Lifetime Ban
Mar 31, 2005
Murfreesboro, TN
lanky189 said:
SIman...i'm seriously not trying to start a fight.. but my corolla had an exhaust leak recently.. basically the flange was finger tight to the manifold... it was loud...and it was leaky..but there was no vibration... the manifold bolts where loose too... still no vibration....

anywho.... it's a shame someone would let such a stupid incident ruin thier interest in a vehicle that is so mod friendly and such fun to drive... what would have happened if people with BHGs would immediately give up on Supra's.. we wouldnt be here....it wouldn't be fun.

Tommy ( the purchaser and friend of 13 years) has been through 3 eclipse GST's....and had the same luck with the first two. The second one he bought was by far the worst...and not his fault whatsoever....he bought 3 4g's from different junkyards all claiming to be in perfect working order.....all had holes in the blocks and he lost over $1500 alone....the his $9K motor build that dyno'd over 440whp ( break in dyno on LOW boost) the turbo seal blew out and smotherd the piston rings in oil....and subsequently blew the piston rings and blew the motor.

His last eclipse had some weird electrical problems and we suspected a cracked head with its weird overheating issues....

The guy just hasnt had good luck with them at all and has reached the breaking point. I have him thoroughly interested in the mk3's, since me and him have loved the cars since a guy named patrick had one in town and ran about 500whp 3 years ago with a F-Con and full turbo upgrades...really before the mk3 bandwagon started....at least here.

He is thinking about another honda....we did build a 10K rpm B16 in his 2nd to latest hatch...he sold that too.....
His fastes car yet still has been the 87 Grand National (regal T-Type) over 600whp on a Precision T78 turbo...1200rpm stall....full stand alone....the whole shebang....he let that go after he was passing a truck on the hw at 80mph and broke traction....traveling sideways at 80mph must be scarry....

He is the type of guy that cant seem to stay on one project...he always has to have something new...which annoys the crap out of me! If I had half his money and time.....ugghh



Lifetime Ban
Mar 31, 2005
Murfreesboro, TN
Oh and my pictures are all 3mp......so they wont fit. Grim jack knows about that doesnt he :icon_smil

I will take more pictures on a lower resolution tommorow or this weekend when I get the chance....I am not going to each picture and one by one changing the size and file name LOL.


Lifetime Ban
Mar 31, 2005
Murfreesboro, TN
Poatree said:
Most people in the nissan community go thru great lengths to remove their HICAS, but this sounds really complicated to do , so kudos to the innovation.

yeah, from backwards engineering he can just turn on and off his HICAS as he pleases...pretty cool! You cant really do that with the wiring harness inside of the chassis/dash/enginebay...you must take out the whole thing to make a on/off switch..its VERY complicated too!

Oh, and he just bought the HKS Hipermax II coilover set for his car :boink:



7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
siman said:
Oh and my pictures are all 3mp......so they wont fit. Grim jack knows about that doesnt he :icon_smil

Put them on your computer
Open them in Paint
Click "Image" on the menu bar
Click "Stretch/Skew"
Under "stretch", put a percent lower than 100 in the horizontal and vertical blocks to shrink the image. If your images are so huge, try 25%. Experiment until you get it right.
Once you have the physical size that you want, go to "File" and "Save As"
At the bottom, where it says "Save as type:" select "JPEG [*.JPG;*.JPEG;*.JPE;*.JFIF]"
This will cut down on your physical image size and the size of the file on disk.

If you can get on a forum and post pictures that have been uploaded to somewhere else, you can do this easily - it's not rocket science and it doesn't take long at all. :slap:


Lifetime Ban
Mar 31, 2005
Murfreesboro, TN
drunk_medic said:
Put them on your computer
Open them in Paint
Click "Image" on the menu bar
Click "Stretch/Skew"
Under "stretch", put a percent lower than 100 in the horizontal and vertical blocks to shrink the image. If your images are so huge, try 25%. Experiment until you get it right.
Once you have the physical size that you want, go to "File" and "Save As"
At the bottom, where it says "Save as type:" select "JPEG [*.JPG;*.JPEG;*.JPE;*.JFIF]"
This will cut down on your physical image size and the size of the file on disk.

If you can get on a forum and post pictures that have been uploaded to somewhere else, you can do this easily - it's not rocket science and it doesn't take long at all. :slap:

I take it you want to see some pictures?..I will beat you guys to it!!.... :ttiwwp:


Lifetime Ban
Mar 31, 2005
Murfreesboro, TN
Here we go....here are just 4 or 64 pics we have taken...LOL

I resized them like Drunk_Medic suggested...I totally forgot about Paintbrush :momaru:

Thats my brother at the end sitting in the back of the car at 2 or 3 am.....sleeping in a slew of wires...

the pics of the steering wheel area are the GTR steering angle sensor...
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