Had emergency surgery today


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
I had an emergency surgery today. This morning, I was in an incredible amount of pain that woke me up from my sleep around 5. The pain caused me to hyperventilate for at least an hour or more which caused my hands and feet to cramp up and I lost feeling and control in them. I could not even wipe the tears from my face. My parents heard me in pain around 6 and called the paramedic. They tried to calm me down and regulate my breathing so I can get feeling back in my hands and face. Something about the pain made me feel like I was suffocating. My chest felt heavy and it felt like breathing wasn't working at all. Which in turn caused me to hyperventilate for such a long time that caused the cramping and loss of feeling in my hands.

They rushed me to the ER where they took ultrasound to find the cause of the pain and problem. I was too upset and in pain to indicate clearly what was wrong. I even vommitted up all the fluid in my stomach until there was no more. The ultrasound showed somehow in my sleep my left testicle had twisted itself cutting off bloodflow, which caused the pain there and to shoot up through my stomach also. They had to call in a surgeon immediately. The doctor and the surgeon mentioned that had my parents not called 911 fast enough like they did and had the doctor there not been smart enough to take an ultrasound to find the problem, the testicle could have died from the cut off bloodflow.

After the surgeon got to the ER, he explained the surgery and possible complications should it not work. Worst case scenario would have been that it was too late by the time surgery happened and I could have lost the ability to have kids all together.

The last thing I remember before surgery was the surgeon asking me about school and my work. Then I woke up in the recovery room. I had to stay there until my dizzyness subsided and I was able to walk, eat, and urinate normally. Luckily, the surgery was successful. They fixed me up and fixed both testicles so it doesn't ever happen again. My mom got me a sandwich and some juice from the cafeteria to make sure I was about to eat without vommitting again and to replenish everything that came out earlier.

I just got home about an hour ago. I have to rest and pretty much take it easy with limited activity and moving around for a couple weeks while I recover.

I have to thank the surgeon, nurses, and my parents for taking such great care of me. This could have changed my life had it gone bad. If you think something is wrong, don't ever shrug it off and think it will go away. I could have been in terrible shape if my parents didn't act.

If any of you pray, I could use it to help for a speedy and good recovery and so I can get back into the driver seat of my Supra soon.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

PS. If anyone has any dumb jokes or silly comments about my balls, or want to post any snide comments because you don't like me, fucking save it.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
I hope you feel better now Joe, and not getting to drive your car will get you better quicker than any placebo pill ever could. I'll definately say a prayer for you.

Dave, you might try saying one for youself every now and then. What could it possibly hurt?


Coitus Non Circum
Jul 12, 2005
Down Like A Clown Charley Brown
Good God...that's horrifing. I'm glad you're ok.
Your point of not ignoring a problem and hoping it will go away is well taken.
Sorry you had to go through that.
I and my family will pray for your speedy recovery.
Let us know how you are doing in the coming days.
Best of luck.:icon_bigg:icon_bigg


Supramania Contributor
Jan 8, 2007
Baytown, Texas
Good luck, bro. Hope you feel better soon. Plenty of water so you stay hydrated.

Reading that gave me shivers, btw...


Single time!!
Apr 5, 2005
South FL
Damn Joe, can you catch a break??? Good to hear you and the boys are gonna be ok. That would freak me out something fierce if I just rolled out of bed into that.


That Aussie Chick
Aug 18, 2006
Aussie Land
That's some scary stuff, and a very good wake up call for those of us that always think "things will just get better by themselves and go away"...

Hope you're feeling 100% soon.


Almost civilian status...
Jun 26, 2006
Fredericksburg, VA
Wow Joe, I'm really sorry. Me and the wife will do some praying for you and your homies. We're glad that you are doing better now and hopefully you won't have to go through that kind of pain again. Keep us updated on how you are doing.

And, do some relaxing. Don't be silly and jump on your DDR :icon_bigg. We know you're addicted.


Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
Wow man glad you caught it quick, i had just read an article on this sort of thing in mens health. I heard about how the testicle can twist in your body causing that sharp stabbing pain in your lower stomach area and can lead to it dieing. Never heard of someone experiencing it till now. Your lucky man, effects from it can be devastating and quick.


brian L.
Mar 12, 2007
North Jersey
WOW I'm happy to hear that your ok joe and that everything went well.It hurt me just to read some parts of that but thank god I didn't have to go what you went threw(I would have been a big baby)well happy to hear your ok and you will be back to yourself in no time


Too poor to be here..:(
May 24, 2007
Austin, TX
People on this board are such jerks....lol

I'm glad your are OK other Joe....I can't imagine the pain of my sachels being twisted. :nono:
Get better foo!