I'm sure there was another thread here somewhere but i can't find it :icon_conf
But anyway... anyone still playing and how's your career going
When i first started Easy seemed impossible LOL... now i can pretty much perfect them and moved on to medium and slowly working through those but have figured out i HAVE to use hammer ons and pull offs so i'm trying to get used to it to get through the songs... i played a song on hard just for giggles and got to 60 odd % on possum kingdom or whatever it is heheh
so yea how you guys doin
But anyway... anyone still playing and how's your career going
When i first started Easy seemed impossible LOL... now i can pretty much perfect them and moved on to medium and slowly working through those but have figured out i HAVE to use hammer ons and pull offs so i'm trying to get used to it to get through the songs... i played a song on hard just for giggles and got to 60 odd % on possum kingdom or whatever it is heheh
so yea how you guys doin