yeah i know. we talked about it in indy i think. i cant remember, i seriously am gettin broke and right now im at abotu 8k in parts and thats everything with labor maching so on:aigo: . so later there be a intercooler but not right nowaljordan said:ummm.. you should drop in an intercooler anyway. The stocker is about 60% (IIRC) efficient with a drop if about 3psi (IIRC) at stock boost. You wnat something that's 85%+ efficient for big boost. Also something with minimal pressure drop.
Get a spearco or similar drop in and you'll make much more power.
Once or twiceReign_Maker said:I dunno about 95%, maybe 50%... Its getting easier and easier these days for 7Ms to make power, at least 400hp power... I mean seriously, Lex/550/Walbro with a good tune and a 60-1 CT can net you 400+...
Well, seriously man, we've got the 400hp "BPU" mod list down to a science now... Let's push the envelope here...IJ. said:Once or twice!
+1... Friggin +1 all over the house!kwnate said:I love the idea! But, I think some else would like to say something.
Barney knows whats best :icon_bigg
Yeah, if they're all running... The problem is, finding 100 MKIIIs that are running, lol...:love:bigaaron said:So you think if you line up 100 peoples cars from SM at random, 50 of them are going to be over 400WHP? I really dont think so.