Ya guys, seriously how would you feel if your hard work was just outright being ripped off? I'm not sure if you are deliberately ignoring comments in this thread about this aspect of the site your discussing or doing it out of disrespect.
I have no idea what industry you work in or plan to work in. Everyone including you hates to have other people take credit for personal hard work, or in a similar slant be blames for other peoples mistakes.
Time effort, talent and hours of work go into successful designs and graphics. And unless the original designer/artist is being compensated for his or her own work and creativity you should willingly choose to have enough character to not reward the rip off artists.
It's a matter of ethics, morals and doing the right thing.
Integrity is doing the right thing, especially when no one is watching.
It should be enough that you know. Or don't you have enough respect for yourself?