Yup, projector and HID FTW!!! I have a legit custom set and they WORK!! not home made, which i do have a set that i made with rx330 projector which works great but needed more fabrication. Anyhow, Steven_N set up is sick due to the TSX projectors, those are ones of the best and has wide light out put. Nicely done!!!! Dont buy ebay housing, IF you want a nice cut off line close to that^^^ what you can do is buy the recommended housings such as Hella E-Code which cost an arm and a leg and use halogen bulbs, any brand bulbs will give you very nice light pattern for halogen housing and bulbs. Hella E-Code will cost around 80-130, if you can find them used that'll be great. I can tell from personal experience with hella. They are great!