Theresa was just coming home from picking up a few things from the grocery store, and this dumbass in an SUV pulled out without looking, tagged her in the right rear quarter panel and spun her completely around. 
She loves this car more than some people love their spouses... Damien did a good job of protecting her. Not a scratch on her, although she's a little sore.
Fortunately I was working from home today, and the accident happened about a mile from the house.
I'm not sure he'll survive.
The carnage:
It's a little hard to see in the pics, but that right rear tire has some serious negative camber and it's toed in a little too.
I really hate these SUV & minivan driving assholes.... :bigun2:
She loves this car more than some people love their spouses... Damien did a good job of protecting her. Not a scratch on her, although she's a little sore.
Fortunately I was working from home today, and the accident happened about a mile from the house.
I'm not sure he'll survive.
The carnage:

It's a little hard to see in the pics, but that right rear tire has some serious negative camber and it's toed in a little too.
I really hate these SUV & minivan driving assholes.... :bigun2: