God damned mother f*$CI*g inattentive drivers!

Dr Chill

4 hungry Supras
Nov 27, 2007
That Sux T .... Hope ya can get you ride back into shape ...
Ive learned to assume Im invisible when It comes to driving sports cars .
+ now a days 9O% of people just dont respect the rules of the road enough to actually pay attention .


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Isn't a Ford Focus a race car????

Just today I was in the left hand lane on a 3 lane interstate, and needed to start making my way to the right hand lane for my exit. About a mile and a half before the exit, I pass a girl on her cell phone and drifting into my lane. I continued past her, and then into the middle lane, where to my immediate right was a teenage girl who appeared to be texting. I passed her, but had to have her lane very soon to assure that I didn't get shut out of it by cars entering from a ramp just prior. So, once there I gassed it to create space until I came up to another vehicle. You guessed it, this guy was on the phone as well. All withing a mile and a half.

Glad you are OK Theresa. Hopefully you will get back the car you love, not a replacement MKIII, or anything else. It doesn't appear too bad, but who knows what can't be seen


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
Let us know how you feel tommorow, most injuries don't show up immediately...

Cars can be replaced, people can't... but make the asshole pay either way...


Was dgilman360
Sep 28, 2006
Lakeland Florida
Glad to hear your alright DT, could have been alot worse...

As for the MR-S I know of a few for sale near my location, if worse comes to worse.


Canadian Bacon
Mar 16, 2007
Supracentral;1257969 said:
He was very apologetic, admitted fault at the scene to the cop (dumb move on his part, good for us) and was ticketed for failure to yield.


I don't agree that it was dumb on his part, I think everyone who knows they were wrong should just man up to it when it happens. I don't think there's shame in admitting you made a mistake. It'd be a boatload of BS if he tried to fabricate some chain of events that would somehow implicate Theresa...

If everyone took responsibility for their actions instead of trying to pass the buck, the world would be such a better place to live.

I'm glad Theresa is ok.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Keros;1258646 said:
I don't agree that it was dumb on his part, I think everyone who knows they were wrong should just man up to it when it happens. I don't think there's shame in admitting you made a mistake. It'd be a boatload of BS if he tried to fabricate some chain of events that would somehow implicate Theresa...

If everyone took responsibility for their actions instead of trying to pass the buck, the world would be such a better place to live.

I'm glad Theresa is ok.

Agreed 100%! At least somebody else on here still has a conscious.
Jun 6, 2006
Pretty sore today, though thankfully not TOO bad.

I slept horribly last night. And woke up at about 5:30 or so with severe pain in my shoulder, so I took more advil and went back to sleep about an hour later.

My stomach's not too happy with all the advil I've been taking.

Chiropractor appointment at 2pm. Yay!

Thanks for all your thoughts, guys and girls.


Supramania Contributor
Nov 19, 2006
Nor Cal
ouchy eat some food.. cant expect your gut to feel well with advil without something to eat.

I take it the guy will be paying for this or still unknown?


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
Keros;1258646 said:
I don't agree that it was dumb on his part, I think everyone who knows they were wrong should just man up to it when it happens. I don't think there's shame in admitting you made a mistake. It'd be a boatload of BS if he tried to fabricate some chain of events that would somehow implicate Theresa...

If everyone took responsibility for their actions instead of trying to pass the buck, the world would be such a better place to live.

ForcedTorque;1258666 said:
Agreed 100%! At least somebody else on here still has a conscious.

Indeed, however folks it is only dumb luck that it was Theresa he hit, and because of that he's safe. When this was posted on another site Theresa visits, 1/2 the people replied to her telling her that she should have called an ambulance, claimed agony and then started a big discussion of how much money she could get out of this...

And unfortunately that is what you're likely to deal with these days. Theresa and I aren't like that, we're just as opposed to fraud as we are to force. So his admission of guilt in this case? Not a big deal, he's just going to have to pay for the damage he has done.

But a lot (the majority) will use it against him. I still stand by my statement that it is dumb. Is it the "right" thing to do? Probably, but it's still dumb.


Supramania Contributor
Nov 19, 2006
Nor Cal
when things like this happen.. its called a accident for a reason. shit happens. sometimes you dont look before you move and here it is. things like this in my mind should be handled outside of court and such. if the car can be repaired then right on. but like its been said just because the dumbass wasnt paying attention and screwed up doesnt mean you need to take his house his cars his bank account.

the guy should own up to his fault and move on. Theresas injury would be the biggest gripe about. so hows the damage look?? I seen the pics but anything further? still before anything it flat out sucks this had to happen.


Supramania Contributor
Supracentral;1258692 said:
Indeed, however folks it is only dumb luck that it was Theresa he hit, and because of that he's safe.

I agree that if it was dumb luck and the driver wasn't intoxicated or being w reckless than one should not seek financial gain out of malice or greed. That being said don't take the injury to the neck lightly. Neck and shoulder injury's have a tendency to get worse over time and they sometimes they need to be treated with physical therapy. At the least the insurance company should pay for your prescriptions and medical costs.

DT might try to up her ibuprofen to a therapeutic dose of 800mg ever 12 hrs. Valium, diazepam is a great muscle relaxant as well.

Best to you all.


Jan 15, 2008
PDX (Oregon)
Its good to see some people still have a conscious..I was backing out in my pickup truck when some idiot teenagers in daddy's mercedes ran into my truck in 2007..Fortunate enough for me, I had a phone that took videos..I took video of the damage and pictures..I had on video them calling me everything but a good christian, the taking a swing at me, and all the damage to their car at the time of the accident...you know those shit stains did more damage to the mercedes to the car to get more money? Then they tried to claim I injured them when they tried to attack me infront of my son who was no more than a year old at the time...I played the video for the judge, and thankfully the little shits got in trouble for insurance fraud


Feb 22, 2006
Columbus, Indiana
I caused an accident a few years ago(was paying attention but couldn't see) and our insurance settled. Two years after the fact, the guy tried to sue me for medical and stuff but the judge laughed at him.