Giuliani 2008?


Supramania Contributor
Aug 15, 2005
Naples, FL
CryoSlash said:
he was a good mayor and should be a good candidate for the next election!

agreed. I figure, if he could manage NYC, he should have no problems managing the whole country, LOL


The Backseat Flyer
Sep 17, 2005
^haha, one of my friends said it best... "Hitler-y" Clinton

But anyways, if Clinton becomes president I'll resign as an American. I hear North Korea is a nice place to go


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
Tanya said:
Tell us why, oh great one.

What if Scarilly Clinton is the opponent? :icon_surp

As I said in this post, I'm fairly convinced that the psychotic bitch is going to be president, regardless who runs against her.

Most people these days are voting against Republicans, not for anyone. The Republican party broke the faith so to speak. People don't trust them and I'll bet Shrillary wins by a landslide.


Supramania Contributor
Aug 15, 2005
Naples, FL
Supracentral said:
As I said in this post, I'm fairly convinced that the psychotic bitch is going to be president, regardless who runs against her.

Most people these days are voting against Republicans, not for anyone. The Republican party broke the faith so to speak. People don't trust them and I'll bet Shrillary wins by a landslide.

I don't know, Rudy vs Hillary would be an interesting race. I am really not into politics at all, I have never voted. I really don't understand much of what's going on in this country anymore. Everytime I pick up the paper or watch the news, some other outrageous thing is happening, and I turn the page or channel in disgust.

Regardless of Bills indiscretions, he was, and is, still popular. If she was to win, I would imagine it would only be because of her husband and or people just voting Democratic in spite.

Being a Dem myself, I would have no problem voting for Rudy as I agree with most of his views, and his handling of the 9/11 situation. He did a great job with NYC all through his terms and I was sad to see him go.

So, if Hillary wins, who all is coming to Ireland with me? :biglaugh:

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
Tanya said:
Regardless of Bills indiscretions, he was, and is, still popular.

Being a Dem myself, I would have no problem voting for Rudy as I agree with most of his views, and his handling of the 9/11 situation. He did a great job with NYC all through his terms and I was sad to see him go.
I am not sure if you think it, but you can't think Rudy and Bill are both O.K. in regards to 9-11. They are on completely different pages. Bill said prior to 9-11 they would not go after Al-Queda or Bin Laden specifically, as it would only instigate them.

Rudy is a huge social liberal, but not a socialist, that will give you the shirt off somebody elses back. Hillary will. If it comes to those two, I vote for Rudy.


Supramania Contributor
Aug 15, 2005
Naples, FL
Nick M said:
I am not sure if you think it, but you can't think Rudy and Bill are both O.K. in regards to 9-11. They are on completely different pages. Bill said prior to 9-11 they would not go after Al-Queda or Bin Laden specifically, as it would only instigate them.

Nope, I didn't think that one bit.


Supramania Contributor
Nick M said:
I am not sure if you think it, but you can't think Rudy and Bill are both O.K. in regards to 9-11. They are on completely different pages. Bill said prior to 9-11 they would not go after Al-Queda or Bin Laden specifically, as it would only instigate them.

Rudy is a huge social liberal, but not a socialist, that will give you the shirt off somebody elses back. Hillary will. If it comes to those two, I vote for Rudy.
I would assume that Bill would not publicly go after Bin Laden. If you saw the Fox News interview that he got attacked in he clearly states that he did attempt to get rid of Bin Laden.

Although with those choices I would have to choose Rudy also.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
Nope. Bill is a liberal. They went after the "mastermind" of different plots, thinking that was all you needed to do.

To be fair, I didn't think it would ever happen on our shores either, not like that.

91T breezen'

Apr 4, 2005
Here's the deal. Billary, is a socialist.:thumbsdow Rudy is a RINO! I'm hoping for the "R & R" ticket. Romny and Rice. I know it sounds funny, but he, (Mitt) is a true "Reagan Republican",::salute:: and if he runs as one, and gets the nomination, he'll have no problem beating Billary. Just let the leftist democrats, show their true faces for the next two years, and we'll have another Republican president!:boink:
Go ahead, cryobaby:cry: it up!:icon_roll


I am the Super Devil
Jun 22, 2005
Mississauga, Ontario
91T breezen' said:
Here's the deal. Billary, is a socialist.:thumbsdow Rudy is a RINO! I'm hoping for the "R & R" ticket. Romny and Rice. I know it sounds funny, but he, (Mitt) is a true "Reagan Republican",::salute:: and if he runs as one, and gets the nomination, he'll have no problem beating Billary. Just let the leftist democrats, show their true faces for the next two years, and we'll have another Republican president!:boink:
Go ahead, cryobaby:cry: it up!:icon_roll
You have some really uneducated posts :rofl:
Hilary is going to win. I don't even like some of her policies but she is going to win. I love it how you use emoticons in every sentence, makes you look cooler I suppose?


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
91T breezen' said:
Here's the deal. Billary, is a socialist. Rudy is a RINO! I'm hoping for the "R & R" ticket. Romny and Rice. I know it sounds funny, but he, (Mitt) is a true "Reagan Republican", and if he runs as one, and gets the nomination, he'll have no problem beating Billary. Just let the leftist democrats, show their true faces for the next two years, and we'll have another Republican president!

I believe you fail to grasp how badly most people feel your party has betrayed everything that they supposedly stood for. For years the GOP had been screaming that if they only had the House, Senate and President all at once, they would show us what conservatives can to to reduce the size of government. They were handed this, and instead instituted the single largest increase in the size of government in the country's history. That's not just "screwing up"...

Put bluntly, the Republicans fucked every single person who voted for them based upon the promises they made. And most people aren't going to fall for it again.

I think it's going to take quite some time for Americans to stop feeling ass raped by the GOP. I believe you have NO chance of keeping the White House in the next election. You could reanimate Ronald Reagan's corpse and run a "Zombie Regan" ticket and you still wouldn't win.


I don't want to see a Democrat in office. But honestly at this point I don't want to see a Republican either. As far as I can tell both parties believe in screwing us over, just with a slightly different flavor.