Giuliani 2008?


New Member
Feb 18, 2006
i'm bad, i'm nationwide
don't know how i'm gonna pull the lever in 08...

i'm one of those pissed off republicans...i'm pretty shure this wasn't what i had in mind last time i went into the box.

i damn near voted third party in 04, just in protest, not going to take a genius to figgure bush was going to take texas anyway...

i just wish the other guy had told me what that plan he had was...i might have actually voted for him...


New Member
Apr 1, 2005
Jersey's here
Interesting for the republican party. Giulianna for Pres and McCain for VP? Giuliani would most likely get the vote from blue NY and NJ. Interesting to see if the republicans back him or mccain. I can't see the Dem's backing Hilary for pres in 08 maybe in 12 but not this coming election.


New Member
Apr 1, 2005
Jersey's here
trucker said:
i think it's gonna be hilliary for eight, then that obama(?) kid for eight, then hilliary's kid...

I would be suprised i'd think it would be Biden for the dems they may chose to run hilary as a vp tho. I think that would be more likely. The first woman pres is likely to be Hilary however I believe that we well see a woman VP before a president. Maybe McCain and Condoliza rice

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
Supracentral said:
Put bluntly, the Republicans fucked every single person who voted for them based upon the promises they made. And most people aren't going to fall for it again.
Yep, that is why they lost. The were not conservative enough. Despite the spin of the press that this was some sort of endorsement of liberalism.
I think it's going to take quite some time for Americans to stop feeling ass raped by the GOP. I believe you have NO chance of keeping the White House in the next election.
I don't think so. I think Americans have very short memories. The candidate that best delivers the idea that he will be more economically right wing will win.

ninja edit said:
I don't want to see a liberal in office. But honestly at this point I don't want to see a Republican either. As far as I can tell both parties believe in screwing us over, just with a slightly different flavor.

You should be happy to know that the reason Newt gave us those balanced budgets and government shutdowns (good things are far as I am concerned) is he always says he is heavily influenced by the Liberatarian party's philosophy on spending. A little is too much.
Fixed it for you.