Getting sued for $125,000


New Member
Jun 2, 2005
North Carolina
August 25th 2004- Failure to yield at a stopsign (me, who was sticking out MAYBE 18" in front of the stop sign...the front of my car was maybe 6" into her path) and a bitch in a pontiac aztec hit the fron 12 inches of my car, enough to move the frame rails about a foot and the front of my car 5 feet. Her tire tracks obviously swerved TOWARDS my car, she was talking on a cell phone, and left 50 foot tire marks. The speed limit is 45 mph...50 foot black marks....STILL totaled my car. She got out of the car and CONTINUED to talk on the phone for 2 or 3 minutes and then she says: "well...I better get going...I just got in a car accident" then she called 911. I asked if she was ok and she replied that she was fine. When the ambulance arrived she decided to change her story " right knee hurts a little bit". Her car was perfectly fine (2003 pontiac aztec)but had a small dent in the bumper cover. SHE DROVE THE CAR HOME!!! perfectly fine, no blood, no tears, no NOTHING! 19 months later she wants to sue me for her missing work, quality of life, IMMEDIATE PAIN AND SUFFERING (she was walking, talking, and driving, and on her cell phone). $25,000 for her husband for "services, quality of life, and pain to his wife".

The insurance doesn't want to cover it because I only had the car for 4 days and didn't have a chance to call them and get coverage. They DO however cover new cars for 30 days...which means it would be covered.

My old insurance company dropped me because they got taken for around $2,000 for damages to the car and medical expenses. SHE ALREADY GOT PAID FOR EVERYTHING.

So now I'm getting cited into court (me and my dad, the car and insurance were in his name) on 5 counts of $25,000. All of which is because she missed a few days of work, was in 'pain', and couldn't screw her husband. I am therefore going to have the throw the big


How many cars do you know of that CAN NOT swerve 6-12 inches at 35 mph.


Almost done.
Nov 3, 2005
Wow that's BS... I'm sorry man. I hate people who can't pay attention to the road when on a cell phone/yelling at their kids/driving ugly azteks.

Like MDC said, Hire a lawyer...counter sue to pay the lawyer


New Member
Jun 2, 2005
North Carolina
I got a ticket for WAS my fault, failure to yield, but she already got paid, she's just one of those lazy bitches who wants a lot of money for nothing. I'm thinking when it's all over...if I don't move to florida...just moving to a country where you can't get sued for nothing. She got in an accident, she got hurt, everything was paid she wants money for me wasting her time and for making her life difficult? Stupid f**king c*nts this live in this d*mn city


New Member
Apr 6, 2005
make sure you get a copy of that police report...if they wrote the swerves were towards your car and all the other evidence you have a good case....then sue her ass for slander or whatever its called

edit: i just read it was your fault...even though you can throw those facts out there


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
Probably just pushing to try and get you to settle out of court for a little extra cash. Hell, if some Honda kid hit me, you better believe my neck/back would hurt me for a LONG time. :icon_bigg

but seriously, i had a buddy do this kind of "stunt" was suing for $50k or something and they settled for $5k, he took it, didn't even think about it... says he did it because he hated working, or was bored, I don't remember which one. But hey, this is a tiny step above scamming people/stealing identities, this is atleast legal. Welcome to the U.S.A, btw.


New Member
Jun 2, 2005
North Carolina
yep...we're thinking she'll take whatever we throw at her....currently I own nothing of value except my car, and that aint worth much. I'm not giving her the pleasure of even $5k. She got what she deserved...period.


New Member
Jun 2, 2005
North Carolina
I just did...looks to be 2 years on that.

I also just checked the Ohio State highway Patrol website and looked up the accident. It gives the # of the report, the county, the location, my last name, her last name, and any injuries or deaths. It says that there were no injuries reported. Like I said...she was perfectly fine.

re-read the fine print a few minutes ago. The first of the 5 counts is against me for $25,000...the last 4 counts are $25k EACH for me and my dad...and each one says "in excess of $25,000" so it's a minimum of $225,000. She will recieve somewhere between zero, zip, nada, nothing, zilch. NOT A DAMN RED CENT


Apr 4, 2005
that is such fucking bs i hate people like that fuckin fuck fuck.. i think even tho you were past the line, you werent wrong,. after stopping, you're allowed to creep forward to get a better view of traffic. i woulda faught it in the first place


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
bah, anything under 1/4 mil is pretty much chump change anyway...

Sounds too me like she has no case, like stated before, counter sue for something ghey like... unneeded emotional distress, missed work/school for court dates/metting w/ the lawyer, stubbing your toe last night...

Better yet, go throw a brick through her windshield off of an overpass, I hear that does a number on vehicles.


MDCmotorsports said:
Sounds to me like you need to get a bigger and badder lawyer than her....

Stupid bitch. Prolly a democrat too....

anywho..check with that online traffic lawyer website..there may be some loopholes or something...

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
Also check out their backgrounds and see if they have done this before? Some people do this type of thing for a living...


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
Ok playing Devils advoacte here:

You were in the wrong and didn't have insurance on the Supra I hope some of the young guys read this and learn a lesson so some good comes from it.

You go out and hit a Rolls or other top end type car and it could destroy the rest of your life paying for it or being chased by lawyers :(.


Apr 4, 2005
Lubbock, Tx
IJ. said:
Ok playing Devils advoacte here:

You were in the wrong and didn't have insurance on the Supra I hope some of the young guys read this and learn a lesson so some good comes from it.

You go out and hit a Rolls or other top end type car and it could destroy the rest of your life paying for it or being chased by lawyers :(.

Played well, BUT, maybe not.

I believe the only time a car is covered for 30 days is if it is bought from a dealer used. Was it, or did I just miss it or something?


New Member
Jun 2, 2005
North Carolina
bought from the dealership where my dad works, it was covered...since my insurance company already paid for her medical bills and damage to her car. They cover cars for 30 days since people (like my dad) work 12 hour days and insurance companies aren't open on the weekends, it's hard to get ahold of them when you work a lot (car and insurance were in my dads name) Don't get me wrong, I'm not irresponsible, I've always got insurance on my car, but it was purchased on a saturday and therefore the earliest I could have got insurance was monday, but my dad works from 6am till at least 7 every day.

More than likely her "lack of happiness in life" will be thrown out...which is all of the claims.

More or less a long story short...I crept out not because it looked clear, but because the two trucks coming my way were turning, they were going pretty quick though so I crept out because I was gonna go, but then I saw how fast the trucks were going so I stopped, she was directly behind the trucks and didn't see me until she was almost on top of me, yet she still had 200 feet or so to swerve and hit the brakes...yet only 50 foot tire marks. I did something that almost everybody does, legal or not, and got busted for it. Court systems are bullshit these days. Next time somebody farts upwind from me and I smell it...I will sue them for making me smell it. Period. That's the same as this, lazy fuckin americans want to live on welfare and everybody else. Australia? Canada? France? Germany? where do you think I should move. I'm sick of worrying about the way I look at people and if they're gonna get bad road-rage and kick my ass or sue me.