Getting a Bike, good Idea or bad one?


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
Get a dayglow orange helmet

Yes you look retarded, but it gets attention.

I've seen bikers that had to KICK someone's door cause they where coming over into them and didn't hear the bike or the bike's horn.

Yes, everyone IS trying to kill you. I don't ride, but I've had friends that do and I'm very aware of motorcycles around me.


Can't Wait to Be King.
Oct 21, 2006
Sac-Town, NorCal
Poodles;979494 said:
Yes, everyone IS trying to kill you. I don't ride, but I've had friends that do and I'm very aware of motorcycles around me.

X2 I see a bike I give the person room and they give me a thumbs up. :icon_bigg


Almost civilian status...
Jun 26, 2006
Fredericksburg, VA
My bike is pearl orange. So, it is hard to miss me. But, like IJ said, ride like everyone is out to kill you. If someone is riding your ass, just pull off to the side and let them pass. It isn't worth potentially letting them hit you.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
rs4rush;979377 said:
I didnt do anything wrong i hit some black ice and gravel and good bye me. Just gotta be safe. respect it and it will treat you right. Or freak accidents happen like the one i had.

Yea, I feel ya, but I won't be riding this thing in the rain, or snow, its just a get my ass outta the house and enjoy the time I've got with my friends.

greg88;979325 said:
I say good idea. I think I would enjoy riding but I'm too paranoid.

My girlfriend's dad is a picture perfect biker... a huge, intimidating bearded guy. He only rides when the weather is perfect. It seems like every time we see the him, he tells us about another friend who has been in a bike accident. His stories scare the crap out of me.:aigo:

Check that out. Kevlar reinforced riding gear!

Thats the Jacket I'm getting in yellow

AaronsSupraMKIII;979456 said:
Also......Watch everyone ELSE! You have to watch how you ride, and respecet the bike, but also know that drivers just don't see bikes. They can be bright freakin orange and they will smooth run you off the road. I have been pushed outta my lane three times by people changin lanes and not seeing me. ERRRR! I have been riding for alotta years though, and have never wrecked. (Knockin on wood) Just don't get stupid. That is to fast of a bike for your first one. I started out on a beefed up 800 intercepter, and was VERY lucky to not have killed myself. Some of my friends weren't so lucky.

Yep, I want to say I know, but I really don't not yet at least, I have to watch out so much in my supra, black, black windows, almost on the ground, I'm a super defensive driver and always aware of everything around me. I won't even look at a passenger to talk to them because it takes my eyes off the road and whats going on around me. I'm so afraid of wrecking my car, I love it to much.

IJ.;979486 said:
Ride like EVERYONE is trying to kill you.

I will, I drive my car like everyone is trying to kill me.

Poodles;979494 said:
Get a dayglow orange helmet

Yes you look retarded, but it gets attention.

I've seen bikers that had to KICK someone's door cause they where coming over into them and didn't hear the bike or the bike's horn.

Yes, everyone IS trying to kill you. I don't ride, but I've had friends that do and I'm very aware of motorcycles around me.

AF1JZ;979551 said:
My bike is pearl orange. So, it is hard to miss me. But, like IJ said, ride like everyone is out to kill you. If someone is riding your ass, just pull off to the side and let them pass. It isn't worth potentially letting them hit you.
I do that with my car. My friend wouldn't have let me get this bike if I would drive like a crazy person. He won't let one of us get a bike right now because our other friend doesn't pay attention when driving.

Topher E

Trance Head
Aug 4, 2005
Be careful! The 600cc bikes are FAST. My baby can lift the front wheel in 2nd w/o clutching it. I daily ride mine, its CA so I never have to worry about rain or snow in this area, just cold.

Gregg- those jeans suck. If you are going to be riding fast enough to drag knee, just get some fucking leather.

Id advise frame sliders if you plan on liking your bike, I picked mine up for 75ish and installed them myself, yes it required me cutting holes in the plastics, but w/e Its a small price to pay for not totalling my motorbike.

Invest in your gear and dont cheap out on your helmet. I have a Shoei RF1000 and its a DAMN good one at that. Id advise back and side protection as most motorcyclists are killed thru internal injuries rather than thru head injuries. Kidney protectors are a MUST if you plan on laying knee.

Like everyone has said, take MSF then go play. Congrats on the new bike and how long untill I have to get back here for pics!


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
I say stay off the bike until you take the riding class. Because, all the stuff your learning in a parking lot from a friend could be the Wrong way. In my riding class the instructors had alot of issues with people who had learned from friends or who had been riding on the street already.

Small stuff like how to just get on the bike and start it up they will teach you the proper way. Its always harder to unlearn something that you have already been doing. Youll also be riding a lil 250 bike in the class which will give you a better chance to learn throttle and brake control. If you go in treating the 250 like your own bike it will feel all wrong. The MSF is fairly short and they cram alot of info fast, your better going in able to absorb as much as you can. Friends are great to pick up stuff from but if your going to pay someone to teach you, then you might as well have them teach you from the ground up.

I also dont agree with the being scared thing. If your scared youll never enjoy yourself then whats the point? I never go out riding with Fear on my mind, you gotta think positive lol. Have respect for the machine but dont have fear of it.

After the MSF when your riding on your own, dont go out with experienced riders and expect to keep up with them. If they are decent guys they will no not to push you either. Trying to keep up always gets new riders in trouble, that urge to prove yourself just kicks in. Showing off is the other biggie lol, that first time your at a red light a sports car pulls up next to you... Work on being Smooth before you ever try to go fast.

Pick up this book; Sport riding tecniques, its full of great info that anyone can gain from.

Make your bike visible with reflectors lol, they are stupid looking but looking stupid is better than being run over. I was making a left turn in an intersection on a green arrow when a ford f350 plowed through me. The driver said they never saw me until after impact, even though my headlight was pointed right at her(besides her running a red light).

Broken virtual all the bones in my right foot. Major nerve damage in my right foot and up to my knee, I have drop foot and cant lift my foot in a fully up/down motion. I also cant feel my big toe/parts of my right foot, supposedly the nerve issues will get better over time and it slowly is. I shredded some artery I forget the name, in my left hip. They couldnt repair it and I was bleeding to death internally so they just blocked it off. My right hip was shattered(think ballon deflated), they put 2 plates and 9 screws in to rebuild it which Ill have forever. Broke 6 ribs I think. My collar bone was broken/displaced, it was left to heal without being set. So know my shoulder bone is like _*- uneven with a big knot where it healed.

1 accident years later has major impact on my daily life, still ride though :love:


Ninja Editor 'Since 05'
Jul 24, 2005
hrm when my father broke his collar bone he couldn't ride for another year, of course he still wanted too and bought a new bike as soon as he could..
dunno i just saw a wrecked red something 600-1000CC bike last night. didnt see the driver but his helmet was about 100ft down the road with parts of his jacket

the cleaning crew was still out past 1 am and i originally was stuck in traffic from 10-10:40

just be careful buy everything you need to ride properly (even though it will never be enough to protect you heh) iwannadie has a good point about taking the class


New Member
Mar 27, 2008
please don get one.:nono:

i ride, but i wish i had never bought mine. yeah its tons of fun, and once you start you will always want another one..... but its so dangerous. i watched a close friend of mine die when an old man turned in front of his bike in january. it sucks for you and it sucks for everyone that knows you.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Topher E;980489 said:
Id advise frame sliders if you plan on liking your bike, I picked mine up for 75ish and installed them myself, yes it required me cutting holes in the plastics, but w/e Its a small price to pay for not totalling my motorbike.

Invest in your gear and dont cheap out on your helmet. I have a Shoei RF1000 and its a DAMN good one at that. Id advise back and side protection as most motorcyclists are killed thru internal injuries rather than thru head injuries. Kidney protectors are a MUST if you plan on laying knee.

Like everyone has said, take MSF then go play. Congrats on the new bike and how long untill I have to get back here for pics!

Frame sliders huh, hmm I'll look into them. I'm deffinatley not cheaping out on my gear. You know any good online stores?

iwannadie;980658 said:
I say stay off the bike until you take the riding class. Because, all the stuff your learning in a parking lot from a friend could be the Wrong way. In my riding class the instructors had alot of issues with people who had learned from friends or who had been riding on the street already.

Small stuff like how to just get on the bike and start it up they will teach you the proper way. Its always harder to unlearn something that you have already been doing. Youll also be riding a lil 250 bike in the class which will give you a better chance to learn throttle and brake control. If you go in treating the 250 like your own bike it will feel all wrong. The MSF is fairly short and they cram alot of info fast, your better going in able to absorb as much as you can. Friends are great to pick up stuff from but if your going to pay someone to teach you, then you might as well have them teach you from the ground up.

I also dont agree with the being scared thing. If your scared youll never enjoy yourself then whats the point? I never go out riding with Fear on my mind, you gotta think positive lol. Have respect for the machine but dont have fear of it.

After the MSF when your riding on your own, dont go out with experienced riders and expect to keep up with them. If they are decent guys they will no not to push you either. Trying to keep up always gets new riders in trouble, that urge to prove yourself just kicks in. Showing off is the other biggie lol, that first time your at a red light a sports car pulls up next to you... Work on being Smooth before you ever try to go fast.

Pick up this book; Sport riding tecniques, its full of great info that anyone can gain from.

Make your bike visible with reflectors lol, they are stupid looking but looking stupid is better than being run over. I was making a left turn in an intersection on a green arrow when a ford f350 plowed through me. The driver said they never saw me until after impact, even though my headlight was pointed right at her(besides her running a red light).

Broken virtual all the bones in my right foot. Major nerve damage in my right foot and up to my knee, I have drop foot and cant lift my foot in a fully up/down motion. I also cant feel my big toe/parts of my right foot, supposedly the nerve issues will get better over time and it slowly is. I shredded some artery I forget the name, in my left hip. They couldnt repair it and I was bleeding to death internally so they just blocked it off. My right hip was shattered(think ballon deflated), they put 2 plates and 9 screws in to rebuild it which Ill have forever. Broke 6 ribs I think. My collar bone was broken/displaced, it was left to heal without being set. So know my shoulder bone is like _*- uneven with a big knot where it healed.

1 accident years later has major impact on my daily life, still ride though :love:

Sounds like good advice, I may just have to do that, my friend hasn't taken me out yet because the weather has been complete crap.

Creeper;980681 said:
please don get one.:nono:

i ride, but i wish i had never bought mine. yeah its tons of fun, and once you start you will always want another one..... but its so dangerous. i watched a close friend of mine die when an old man turned in front of his bike in january. it sucks for you and it sucks for everyone that knows you.

More people I know have died in car accidents than from riding. Not saying thats a good thing, but this is just a toy for me. Basically something I will ride when its nice outside and when the roads are pretty much empty.


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
Something else to consider, eventually you will have to ride in the rain lol. Its better to learn to deal with rain on your own terms rather than be riding and get stuck in a storm. Im not saying go out now and ride in the rain, just reconsider that 'never ride in the rain'. Getting stuck far from home in a major storm is a bad way to have your first rain ride.

Rain isnt as big of a deal as people make it out to be. As long as you have good tires and are smooth with the controls rain isnt a problem. My supra slides all over the road while my bike is still planted in the rain lol.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
iwannadie;980709 said:
Something else to consider, eventually you will have to ride in the rain lol. Its better to learn to deal with rain on your own terms rather than be riding and get stuck in a storm. Im not saying go out now and ride in the rain, just reconsider that 'never ride in the rain'. Getting stuck far from home in a major storm is a bad way to have your first rain ride.

Rain isnt as big of a deal as people make it out to be. As long as you have good tires and are smooth with the controls rain isnt a problem. My supra slides all over the road while my bike is still planted in the rain lol.

Well Right now I wanna stay out of the rain, your right I can't avoid it completely, but for now I will try my hardest too.


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
Don't skimp on gear. I hear the same old shit "leathers are too expensive." Leathers are cheaper than skin grafts if you do crash and burn.

Expensive helmet =/ best protection. Snell approved stuff goes off of a requirement o take two hits in the same spot. Statistically speaking that is never going to happen. As such, the structure of the helmet is too stiff and will transfer too many G's to your brain (this is BAD). While the helmet and your head might be alright, your brain will be badly damaged.

IIRC the testing that one of the motorcycle mags did found that the best helmet on the market was a cheapy DOT approved helmet. I need to dig out the article and scan it...


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
Poodles;980982 said:
Don't skimp on gear. I hear the same old shit "leathers are too expensive." Leathers are cheaper than skin grafts if you do crash and burn.

Expensive helmet =/ best protection. Snell approved stuff goes off of a requirement o take two hits in the same spot. Statistically speaking that is never going to happen. As such, the structure of the helmet is too stiff and will transfer too many G's to your brain (this is BAD). While the helmet and your head might be alright, your brain will be badly damaged.

IIRC the testing that one of the motorcycle mags did found that the best helmet on the market was a cheapy DOT approved helmet. I need to dig out the article and scan it...

Sport rider or motorcyclist just did an article about helmets and how poor the official testing it. The mag debunked the big testing methods and now has the snell/dot admitting the mag was correct. New test standards are being planned out but its going to take a few years for them to be standardized.


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
I dont like frame sliders, pros and cons just dont balance out for me. Sliders that bolt to the frame are just waiting to bend/crack the frame. If you do low side and the bike slides the slider has a good chance of digging in and causing the bike to flip.

The basic design of a sport bike is when it goes down everything on the sides bends up or breaks off. Foot pegs, shifters, mirrors and levers are all just gone so they dont cause dig in flips. The plastics are there to cause friction to slow the bike down when its sliding, also smooth so it doesnt cause flips and to spread out the impact.

I think of a slider bolted to the frame like this; Think of your arm as a frame rail. Hit it with a hammer with moderate force and it will hurt but not cause major damage. Put a nail(slider) between your arm(frame) and the hammer(ground) and you have a serious problem. The impact is all centered on a tiny area rather than spread out across the bike. Even a simple tip over has a few hundred pounds of force on what half a square inch.

Unless the bike came designed from the factory with a slider mount I wouldnt trust it not to cause more unseen damage than it saves.

People love sliders because they can tip the bike over and not replace expensive plastics. That seems to be the bottom line, protect your expensive plastics at the risk of frame damage.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Poodles;980982 said:
Don't skimp on gear. I hear the same old shit "leathers are too expensive." Leathers are cheaper than skin grafts if you do crash and burn.

Expensive helmet =/ best protection. Snell approved stuff goes off of a requirement o take two hits in the same spot. Statistically speaking that is never going to happen. As such, the structure of the helmet is too stiff and will transfer too many G's to your brain (this is BAD). While the helmet and your head might be alright, your brain will be badly damaged.

IIRC the testing that one of the motorcycle mags did found that the best helmet on the market was a cheapy DOT approved helmet. I need to dig out the article and scan it...

Yea I bought a Vega yesterday. $60 it was $200.

iwannadie;981003 said:
Sport rider or motorcyclist just did an article about helmets and how poor the official testing it. The mag debunked the big testing methods and now has the snell/dot admitting the mag was correct. New test standards are being planned out but its going to take a few years for them to be standardized.

OO find that! Would be an interesting read.

rs4rush;981029 said:
Get frame sliders! It kept mine from being totaled.

Looking into them

OneJoeZee;981030 said:

I bought a shoei RF-1000 that retails for 474 for 341 off that site. has good prices as well. They won't show on the site but if you email or call them, they'll give you really good deals.
nice sites joe!
OneJoeZee;981036 said:
btw, I recently bought this.

Oo, Joe has a bike! No wai!
iwannadie;981042 said:
I dont like frame sliders, pros and cons just dont balance out for me. Sliders that bolt to the frame are just waiting to bend/crack the frame. If you do low side and the bike slides the slider has a good chance of digging in and causing the bike to flip.

The basic design of a sport bike is when it goes down everything on the sides bends up or breaks off. Foot pegs, shifters, mirrors and levers are all just gone so they dont cause dig in flips. The plastics are there to cause friction to slow the bike down when its sliding, also smooth so it doesnt cause flips and to spread out the impact.

I think of a slider bolted to the frame like this; Think of your arm as a frame rail. Hit it with a hammer with moderate force and it will hurt but not cause major damage. Put a nail(slider) between your arm(frame) and the hammer(ground) and you have a serious problem. The impact is all centered on a tiny area rather than spread out across the bike. Even a simple tip over has a few hundred pounds of force on what half a square inch.

Unless the bike came designed from the factory with a slider mount I wouldnt trust it not to cause more unseen damage than it saves.

People love sliders because they can tip the bike over and not replace expensive plastics. That seems to be the bottom line, protect your expensive plastics at the risk of frame damage.

Hmm, anyone else care to comment on this? Seems logical but I wouldn't mind hearing the other side of the argument.


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama