I say stay off the bike until you take the riding class. Because, all the stuff your learning in a parking lot from a friend could be the Wrong way. In my riding class the instructors had alot of issues with people who had learned from friends or who had been riding on the street already.
Small stuff like how to just get on the bike and start it up they will teach you the proper way. Its always harder to unlearn something that you have already been doing. Youll also be riding a lil 250 bike in the class which will give you a better chance to learn throttle and brake control. If you go in treating the 250 like your own bike it will feel all wrong. The MSF is fairly short and they cram alot of info fast, your better going in able to absorb as much as you can. Friends are great to pick up stuff from but if your going to pay someone to teach you, then you might as well have them teach you from the ground up.
I also dont agree with the being scared thing. If your scared youll never enjoy yourself then whats the point? I never go out riding with Fear on my mind, you gotta think positive lol. Have respect for the machine but dont have fear of it.
After the MSF when your riding on your own, dont go out with experienced riders and expect to keep up with them. If they are decent guys they will no not to push you either. Trying to keep up always gets new riders in trouble, that urge to prove yourself just kicks in. Showing off is the other biggie lol, that first time your at a red light a sports car pulls up next to you... Work on being Smooth before you ever try to go fast.
Pick up this book;
Sport riding tecniques, its full of great info that anyone can gain from.
Make your bike visible with reflectors lol, they are stupid looking but looking stupid is better than being run over. I was making a left turn in an intersection on a green arrow when a ford f350 plowed through me. The driver said they never saw me until after impact, even though my headlight was pointed right at her(besides her running a red light).
Broken virtual all the bones in my right foot. Major nerve damage in my right foot and up to my knee, I have drop foot and cant lift my foot in a fully up/down motion. I also cant feel my big toe/parts of my right foot, supposedly the nerve issues will get better over time and it slowly is. I shredded some artery I forget the name, in my left hip. They couldnt repair it and I was bleeding to death internally so they just blocked it off. My right hip was shattered(think ballon deflated), they put 2 plates and 9 screws in to rebuild it which Ill have forever. Broke 6 ribs I think. My collar bone was broken/displaced, it was left to heal without being set. So know my shoulder bone is like _*- uneven with a big knot where it healed.
1 accident years later has major impact on my daily life, still ride though :love: