whhattttt no no no this is good for the gas door
or more realistic
those are POS spoilers, at least that one looks alright on the supra, i mean yea there is the stock, and a whale tail. but i guess every other spoiler is just "rice" or "gay" whatever happen to its your car, your imagination, your design, do what you want. here is a video actually with supra with that spoiler and the stout hood "which i love to" no blowin steam, but i will agree that the parts industry is mmm well full of gay things, which makes bad words for other parts. people use other company's names on there part then add type or style on the end then that part gets labeled for the real one, then the real company gets fucked over bye this. example. master power t-70, people hear t-70 they think ebay. super t-70/t70 hybrid blah blah it blows up whatever... but even though i have gone wayyyyy off subject here, my main point being, if you have gone over 130 mph in the supra you know, it sucks, gets creepy, rear end starts to float. all i can think is lower, and more down force. need a spoiler, dont think whale tail is going to help much. stock spoilers are for style not function. shucks spoiler could do something if tilted right, but we i guess we need a wind tunnel to say if a spoiler is good or not. but there are gay spoilers, and then there are functional, i feel that the gt wing is a functional spoiler. design is also very simple, it looks clean to may i put, not flat and gay and look like it should be on a F1 car. search honda and you find a gay spoiler on almost any picture. honda modifiers have ruined our look at parts. end of story

again not mad or blowin up, just attempting to make a point and make a subject lol