Fuel cut with SAFC-2.


New Member
Jul 26, 2006
Las Vegas
Hey guys, I have a Turbo 1990 Supra. When I press the pedal down while driving it cuts out at around 4000RPM's. It started doing this after I installed my SAFC-2. When this started, the upgrades i had on the car was Lexus AFM, BIC DDP, MHG, ARP bolts and an intercooler kit. everything else is stock. I had a feeling that it would be the fuel injectors because a bunch of threads said its what could cause it to cut out like that, then I also seen on a thread or two that even with the Lexus afm you could still tune the stock injectors with a safc... at least to run like stock. Sooo I took it to get it dyno tuned by this shop near my place, i figured since 90% of the threads i searched for said, TAKE IT TO GET TUNED.. so I did. BUT when he dyno'd it he said i wasn't getting enough fuel, so i was like okay, I'll just get the injectors then since its most common with the SAFC-2+Lexus AFM+550cc upgrade. I finally got the injectors, left the safc the way the mechanic at that shop had the safc set, and still no dice. still cutting out at 4k, but sometimes when i press the pedal slowly it wont cut out at 4k, just does it when i am accelerating fast. Do I need to take it to get tuned again so he can mess with the safc with the 550cc injectors now?

A few threads recommend getting a FPR and a New fuel pump which will be next payday after i get a wideband. Thanks again guys, appreciate the help.


New Member
Apr 12, 2008
Bremerton, Wa
You will need to retune, and it is best to have the afpr when you do because it is a tuning device as well, the safc is to be used as a fine tuner.

What is your boost set to?


Dang Dude! No Way Man.
Staff member
Apr 17, 2007
You need a fuel pump to run higher boost. If you had a fcd you'd prolly have melted a piston.


New Member
Jul 26, 2006
Las Vegas
Okay, I'll take it monday after work again. Its at stock boost still. Haven't increased it at all till i figure this cut problem out or is that bad?

---------- Post added at 10:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:30 AM ----------

dang... okay well then i'll just wait to get it tuned again till i get a Fuel pump. I can pick up a FPR later today though.


New Member
Jul 26, 2006
Las Vegas
I live on lake mead and hollywood, over by nellis. I just got here not to long ago from japan. Wheres your brothers shop at? figure i'll just go there since he might know imports better than the dude i took it to. I took it to wicked HP by the speedway, he dyno'd it for cheap but also he didn't really know imports that well. He's still a good dude. Can your brother weld aluminum also?


Dang Dude! No Way Man.
Staff member
Apr 17, 2007
If your at stock boost/stock turbo take the lex off. You have other problems. tps off adjustment.


Dang Dude! No Way Man.
Staff member
Apr 17, 2007
Not unless you have 550s and a pump.

You can turn the boost up to before fuel cut stock. After that you need supporting mods.


New Member
Apr 12, 2008
Bremerton, Wa
+1 on removing the lex afm,there is no need to have it on untill you have the other mods done. and make sure your tps is in spec per tsrm. Very important!!


New Member
Jul 26, 2006
Las Vegas
MK3tattoos: I am not really driving it right now, i just drive it if i have to move the car out of the way. But I could take off the lex afm, or just leave it till i get the supporting mods right.

Devin: Sounds good, I'll buy the stuff and more than likely install it all when i get the time. I bought the car originally from a dude who ghetto rigged a bunch of things so I dont want you guys to have to deal with most of the nonsense hahaha. After i get and put on the other parts I'll take it to you guys so you can fix it all. Dont worry, DDS is where I AM taking it ;).
Aug 12, 2010
P.G. County, Maryland
I think what they're saying is that you only run the Lex AFM+550's to negate the factory fuel cutoff, but since you are still at stock boost there is no reason you should be leaning out. When you DO up the boost enough to need those mods you need a larger fuel pump so you WON'T lean out. You say that you only cut out around 4k, but if you're light on the throttle you don't hit cut? You also say you have an IC kit, and if the problem only happens when you're in boost (WOT) you may have a boost leak. Check the connectors in your kit. If you're using cheap couplers like Spectres or something other than good 3-ply silicone, especially on the turbo hot side, one could have melted. It happened to me because i cheaped out on couplers and the Spectre i had on my turbo hot side melted to the turbine housing and had a hole big enough to stick my pinky in when i pulled it off.