3p141592654;1971023 said:It is possible for the injector top of cylinder #6 to hit the pulsation damper threads protruding inside the rail as the two are aligned top of each other inside the rail. This can form a nice blockage. As said above, the injector grommets set the depth of the injector in the rail along with the three rail plastic isolators under the mount bolts. Check it all carefully. Your problem is not electrical.
I will check into that 3P. I will tear down the rail and see what I can find, will also be replacing the fuel filter, which from NAPA is $18 and Toyota is $41 (wonder if the toyota one will be much better quality?) . I think you're right about it not being electrical, and that would be just fine with me lol. I tried unpugging the resistors to see if it made a difference and it didnt. Also the PO had a 15a fuse in the IGN spot. I replaced it 7.5 like it should be (not sure what that could have done but the fuel pump relay was getting really hot before)..
Also, i have a very small bubling leak out of my earl's fitting (the part that connects to the braided SS hose) It's on the return hose that goes from the factory fpr spot to the aftermarket AFPR. could that kill my flow pressure bad enough to not let me run right? It barely leaks any fuel.