Fuck streetracing. My friends could be dead right now.

Toyota h8r

Formerly KILLERMK3
Jan 24, 2006
Sylvania ohio
DreamerTheresa said:
Please. Like you do the speed limit on the freeway. "Speeding is bad" my ass.

And EVERYONE street races. Even the goddamn soccer moms in their suburban assault vehicles if you're at a red light on a street that goes from two lanes into one.

I street race. In fact, I fucking love street racing. Will I stop? No.
Will I do it on a road while there are oncoming cars or other traffic? No.
There's a smart way to do it (and I'm sure a good few of you will think that oxymoronic), which is why I go months if not years between a race because I'm not going to put bystanders/passengers at risk.

Fuck street racing? No.
Fuck stupid people who can't drive and can't handle any amount of speed and don't know the physics of their car.
And fuck those people who think they're the speed police who like to cut people off and stomp on the brakes (and believe me, I've been witness to that, too).
Yay for angry DT! I argree 100% that it isn't street racing it's the 16 kids with hondas who are not expert drivers and try to attemp F&F things and die. I say ban movies such as F%F.
<rant over>


Almost done.
Nov 3, 2005
Those are some scary pictures, they're real lucky.


The results of my friends Taurus after a few trees at only 55mph.


Supramania Contributor
I've seen worse, way worse.

When their brains are splattered all over the rear window and package shelf, that's when you know the driver did not feel a thing...

I had one where the gal ended up inverted, held in place by the seatbelt, but her neck/head wound was so bad, she died, and bled out into the headliner... and upon death, all your muscles relax, so she pissed and shit all over herself and left a pretty respectable pile on the head liner...

So anyway, I'm trying to get the mileage, and of course when I look at the vehicle, it's back on the wheels, so this pool of blood/shit/urine is like hanging down from the headliner into the vehicle, and there are huge blowflies buzzing around, maggots in everything and it is the only time, in 10.5 years of doing this that I just about puked.

So, you would think I would hate speed? Nope, speed is not the issue. Not paying attention to what your doing, not being able to control your car correctly and exceeding the available traction of your tires are all factors in the losses. Speed is secondary, and I think a minor player, only involved when one or more of the "3" are realized.

I've seen losses where the vehicles were going very slow, and still crashed and caused pretty serious damage and injury. (Like in Seattle where they can't engage their brains when the temps drop below 32 degrees...) Guy standing between to spun out cars, and then is crushed at the knees between them when another car loses control on the same patch of ice over the bridge, and hits them at less than 10mph... So was speed a factor?

Sure. 10mph was too fast for conditons, but really the lack of driving skill and experiance on the part of all 3 drivers was involved. And the reality that all three drivers exceeded the traction of their tires, and did not know how to react in a slide on ice. (Hint, you do not slam on the brakes, make sudden moves, and putting up your hands over your face and eyes will not change your direction or speed at all either.. LOL)

Look up a few train v/s vehicle losses. (Those are truely amazing. Sometimes there is not much left other than the engine and transmission. The rest of the vehicle is torn up and left in pieces down the rail road tracks, sometimes for about a mile or more.) Case in point. Farm road, and a very long train, 5 locomotives and a guy in his F150... Train engineer says the guy never even looked, just drove up right into the train. It took over a mile to stop, and the whole time the truck was rolling along in the front of the train, much like dung beetles roll up shit between their legs... Seriously there was an engine/transmission ball, and some sheetmetal, but the guy was hamburger and really he and the rest of his truck was little pieces all along the tracks..

Anyone want to be an insurance adjuster? :) It's fun, really.


Supramania Contributor
Ok, I have to tell you guys about the funniest fatal I've ever worked. (Fatal for the cow and her calf that is.)

This brand new minivan is tooling along at 75mph or so, dark road, middle of nowhere.. and BANG the driver runs right into the ass of this huge pregnant cow!

Hits so hard it sheared off the intake manifold, pushed the cowl and dash back, but did not fire the air bags.. (Not enough decleration to the van.) So, because the van did not slow down very fast, the COW and CALF inside her were acclerated by this huge kick in the ass from the van...

So the guy tells me his story, but the passenger, his wife will not speak to me at all. Just says in the background that she's fine, and does not want to talk about it...

Ok, so I get to the tow yard, and it's about 15 degrees that day.. The guys in the front start laughing and tell me I'm lucky it's so cold..

I pulled around to the back yard, and the van is there, and I can see it was hit pretty much dead center front, and there is a small fist sized hole in the windshield, hood is wadded up slightly, doors don't fit right at the roof/windshield, but I really can't see that well into the van....

Get out, get my camera, clip board, and then I realize it's not tinted windows... It's FULL OF SHIT! OK, laughing till my sides ache, I manage to get the drivers door open, and there is a perfect outline of the guy. Nice and clean leather where he was, but outlined in shit everywhere else, same for his wife who was in the passenger seat.. Oh, more laughs and my sides are really hating me..

There are calf parts, placentia and what I think is the sac, but mostly just cow shit from all 4 stomachs was emptied into the van along with the calf/sac/fluid through a hole about the size of my fist just at the base of the windshield... And a spray pattern that covered everything from that point back! No smell as all of it's pretty much frozen in place...

Ok, next afternoon, I'm settling the total loss on this van, it's not repairable, it would need an engine, firewall and entire interior... LOL and I say to the guy without trying to laugh...

"Looks like you had a pretty crappy day..."

He busts up and says "Yep, but it was worse for my wife.... (And she's in their new truck, glareing at me while he's saying this...) she saw the cow just before we hit it, said "OH SHIT!" and pretty much wished she'd kept her mouth closed... "

Ok, we both bust up laughing, his wife is totally pissed at BOTH of us and I've got a cool story to tell for life :)


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
hahaha, cool story...not for the cow...but funny

and as for the speeding...i know it isnt the factor...i've just been messed up lately and since that day i posted one of the points frequently mentioned was their "high speed"...i guess i mentioned it. i know speed doesnt have to be in the equation... it just kinda stood out because its in the police report and of course lots of people think its the determining factor. it was mostly driver incapability and ignorance. he even mentioned in a blog he didnt realise how fast he was going or something to that effect... basically adrenaline and adolescant spontanious stupidity got the best of him.

i'm sure it has with everone...it just caught him that time.

I cant remember if i updated but all are out of the hospital except the boy with the broken neck. thanks so much for the kind thoughts and prayers... he will be getting fitted into a halo tomorrow afternoon and possibly be allowed to go home.... considering his neck, he's doing well.


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
Ive stated my feelings on the topic of streetracing before. Especially in the case of young drivers I think serious legal consequences should accompany the medical ones they are already facing. Fortunately no one was killed, but I do hope it changes all their lives.

Yeah I have had my share of streetraces, but as already stated before by others, I do it only after I have taken enough time to feel comfortable with the situation.

There is not better teacher than time.
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