ForcedTorque's Slick/Quick Build


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
In a long winded "Quick note" to my buddy Ken, I just talked myself into installing my motor tomorrow!!!!!!!!! The bay is now ready as of today. I have found 3 new wiring issues that were overlooked when I said the wiring was complete, and I wanted to install a new wastegate before it went in. So, I will have to leave the harness in the bay for a bit, and install the wastegate while it is in the car.

Once the motor is in the car, I can constantly work towards making it run. Right now, when I can't get with Eathan about wiring, I'm piddling with things that can be done after it runs.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Well, I rebuilt the 89 from extreme parted out condition to a complete car again, needing only a clutch and paint. I pulled the tranny to do the clutch, and then had to pull the motor to get 2 stripped ARP'S out of the flywheel. That's when I found this beauty to drop it all back into. It turned into a little more work than I expected, but well worth it. And it cost me about 1/2 what I would have had to pay for paint.

The 89 is not totally out of the community though. I will be donating what's left of it to George, since his 89 3E5 2JZ car was totaled.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Ummm.......I guess you could say that the motor is in the car. I stopped with the entire engine over the core support, and dropped down , but still 4 inches or so forward of where it should be. I came in to eat, and take off my 3rd soaked shirt. I thought I was going back out, and working under the light, but I just can't do it. I think I know what i need to do in the morning, so I am going to sleep on it, while it still hangs from the lift.


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
Working in the dark with just a light really sucks ass anyway, and besides that, the light will attract those inbred mosquitoes you got out there. Vicious little shits they are.

Now I'm with Dave about the engine hanging. I'd be worrying about that all night.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Justin, as you typed that, the MOTOR FELL INTO PLACE. No, I don't mean fell, but finally settled is more like it. I didn't get to touch it yesterday, due to lingering fatigue from Thursday. All I did yesterday was secure the motor so that it was just hanging, but nothing else.

Now, I'm probably through for today, as the rain chased me in.....after I got the hood back on it. It's all in place, and I'll get back on it Monday. I have plans for tonight and tomorrow.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Nope, I have already been bitten by one of the many brown recluse spiders around here! We killed one a week for a while a few years back, then we exterminated, and have only seen one on a rare occasion. I caught the little guy while he was still on my leg, and went straight to the doctor. Several shots, and 4 prescriptions later, the lower end of my leg only turned black for a little while. I now freak at the site of even an internet spider! The little bastards must die on site!


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Ummmm...........Turn up your volumn!

Do I deserve any boobies yet????????????

As you can see and hear, the car is still raised, and does not have a bit of exhaust. It has plenty more to do as well.

I have to figure out why the fuel pump gets powered as soon as I connect the battery.

I have to hope once I install the exhaust, that I can even get the car off of the jack stands.

None of my gauges are working on the dash. Not sure if I ever plugged them in.

I have to figure out what I am going to do with my coolant lines. The car doesn't have a heater core at all. I have one, but not sure if it is any good.

I have to put clamps on all of my IC piping. Thanks Jay for the coupler!

And, I have to build the front end. That shouldn't take long at all. I have played with it all quite a bit already. This time it will get bolts.


T-virus infected
making sure the inside and bay are done with spiders and so on. ordered some parts today just waiting for something to tidy up but all i have left is injectors, EMS, some wiring and fuel line plumbing. Just about done with the IC pipe routing. hopefully have it done soon.

The only thing keeping it from getting done is that I live 30 miles away from where the car is located. :( So getting off at work @ 6pm m-f and making that trip I usually get there when its dark and I refuse to work in the dark even with light unless it's a well lit shop not a car port.