I've got some updates.....both car (pics) and job.
I have not updated the job status in a while. I did get back into class last week, and the driver training was directly behind the classroom class. This past Friday, I passed the classroom portion of the driving. It was pass or be terminated. 2 of 6 were terminated, leaving jobs open closer to home that I may be able to get. Tomorrow, I get my first chance to get in a mail truck. It's 6 hours of in truck training, followed by another pass or terminate test. No worries! After that I finish out the week with mail handling training, with no test to pass at the end. I'm assuming that I'll start work the following Monday. Those in the orientation class who were not hired to drive went to work the day after their class was over. so that is going very well.
And, today I finally washed all of the pollen off of both mine and my son's car, so I could find at least a spec of red. I have another thread with all of the pictures I took, but I'm going to post a few here too. My dog is Jax......he's a German Sheppard/Lab (or retreiver, can't remember). This little shoot did birth a new sig picture.
I'm thinking of naming my car Vicky! She came from Victoria, Tx, so it fits.