Not even one sir. The 501's may or may not be the tiniest bit deeper than the 401's, but that wouldn't have stopped them from mounting up just as well as the 401's.
As for sound? 10x better than the blown aftermarket of unknown origin/make, and the one pioneer in the other door. Rear speaker replacement, although a pain in the butt, definitely worth it.
I'll be upgrading to some 6.5's once the KevinM 91/92 door pod replicas are ready, and likely some 6x9's custom mounted in the back, complimented by one 10", possibly the JL from my SS. Dynamatted the doors, threw a couple small (2'x3') thick carpets in the hatch (one folded in half between the spare tire and storage 'bin' on the right side, the other under the factory wood floor), and made sure my interior was all back in place (over the cage too, gets a few funny looks). I gotta say, it has really helped quiet the car down a little. Still not as quiet as my 88 hardtop, but I think a lot of the factory sound deadening is missing from my car. I'll fix that this summer with more dynamat I'm sure. Oh, and if anyone is looking to buy dynamat stuff, shop with I got the door kit that normally retails for $100 on Crutchfield for ~$55?
Oh, and for whoever in this thread was wanting the factory speaker numbers, I'm not *positive* that these are it, but these were on the speaker pods, with wattage information, so it may be what you were looking for.
Passenger Side:
Door = 86150-14060
Rear = 86150-14080
Driver Side:
Door = 86150-14031
Rear = 86150-14090