For Crimson Tide Fans only


New Member
Nov 19, 2007
ForcedTorque;1191980 said:
Both teams are 2 wins from being National Champion. If you don't get the first one, you have no shot at the second. We will soon see. I'd like to think that this game is the real National Championship game.

This game means just as much (as it should) as a NC.


New Member
Nov 19, 2007
Doward;1192231 said:
No matter how you cut it - the SEC is bringing the NC home ;)

Yes, the big 12 will find out what Defense is either way. Although, from top to bottom, I still don't know who's a better conference. I wanna say SEC, just cause my team is from there. But, the big 12 has some good arguments.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
ForcedTorque;1191980 said:
Both teams are 2 wins from being National Champion. If you don't get the first one, you have no shot at the second. We will soon see. I'd like to think that this game is the real National Championship game.

I think the winner of this game will be the National Champs either way, they'll just have one more game to play before they give them the tropy.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
BlackSS;1192238 said:
Yes, the big 12 will find out what Defense is either way. Although, from top to bottom, I still don't know who's a better conference. I wanna say SEC, just cause my team is from there. But, the big 12 has some good arguments.

This year, top to bottom, I think you might have to give it to the Big 12. Other than the 2 big dogs of the SEC, the conference has had a down year.


Aug 1, 2007
This year Saban has done a lot with a team he did not recruit. The Tide started out a few bad apples that needed to be gotten rid of. But all in all I have to admit this year I was impressed by the Tide's performance.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
From Suprahero: sorry Scott. I tried to reply to your quote and I accidentally hit edit instead.

I tried to quote yours and then put......

They counted on Alabama to be passive..........they counted wrong.

Def Leppard song


Aug 1, 2007
Over the past few years I started to fear the fourth quarter. It seemed no matter how big the lead Bama would some how choke and lose the game. But like I said Saban has impressed me with what he has done with the Tide this year.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
ForcedTorque;1193486 said:
From Suprahero: sorry Scott. I tried to reply to your quote and I accidentally hit edit instead.

I tried to quote yours and then put......

They counted on Alabama to be passive..........they counted wrong.

Def Leppard song

Quoting me, Quoting Jay...........

Couldn't you have done that to one of my smart ass comments???????? My phone was on my charger, but I got the message. I already knew. not much going on at work today.......maybe I should ship your box!


Aug 1, 2007
With the end of regular college football season it means the people of Tuscaloosa can reclaim the town from invading fans. Personally I enjoy the off seasons. No more post game traffic, no more roaming bands of drunken fans on the strip, and the town goes back to normal.


New Member
Nov 19, 2007
I'm sure the local government doesn't mind the tax revenue, and the local businesses also don't like the extra income.


Aug 1, 2007
BlackSS;1194926 said:
I'm sure the local government doesn't mind the tax revenue, and the local businesses also don't like the extra income.

Come work on the university for a football season. All parking that is normally available is reserved for the fans. Forget finding a parking space at the mall because all of the parking spots are taken until hours after the game is over. And if you work on the university expect to leave for work two to three hours before you are schedule just so you can get to work on time. Once the game lets out it will take you at least two hours to go two miles. Try delivering pizzas in that traffic. You start to get invading by RV's on Thursday night. If you're on the strip you can't take 10 steps without some drunken fan yelling "roll tide" in your face and they expect you to yell "roll tide". Then there are those fans that want to fight because their team lost the game and it doesn't matter who they get into a fight with. Ticket scalpers on every street corner on the university hampering foot and vehicle traffic. I could go on but what I've said so far should tell you the BS that the locals have to put up with.

Unfortunately the fan's money do not out weigh the problem that they cause.


New Member
Nov 19, 2007
labrat469;1194975 said:
Come work on the university for a football season. All parking that is normally available is reserved for the fans. Forget finding a parking space at the mall because all of the parking spots are taken until hours after the game is over. And if you work on the university expect to leave for work two to three hours before you are schedule just so you can get to work on time. Once the game lets out it will take you at least two hours to go two miles. Try delivering pizzas in that traffic. You start to get invading by RV's on Thursday night. If you're on the strip you can't take 10 steps without some drunken fan yelling "roll tide" in your face and they expect you to yell "roll tide". Then there are those fans that want to fight because their team lost the game and it doesn't matter who they get into a fight with. Ticket scalpers on every street corner on the university hampering foot and vehicle traffic. I could go on but what I've said so far should tell you the BS that the locals have to put up with.

Unfortunately the fan's money do not out weigh the problem that they cause.

Sounds like you have horrible fans then. I don't have a problem with the fans that swarm Gainesville/Ocala. The only bad part is getting out after a game, but that comes with ANY major event. Sounds like a lack of preparation and adjustment by your local government, i.e. offer overtime for law enforcement to curb alcohol in public. And if there is no ordinance, then make one. Anyone that has been in Gainesville and has run across Gainesville PD knows they are assholes and will enforce whatever laws/ordinances that are being broken. Alabama has had a big football following for a long time, sounds like the school/city hasn't caught up to adjusting to it.

On another note, last I heard Vegas has Florida by 10.


New Member
Nov 19, 2007
BTW, Daytona residents used to feel the same way you do about Bama games as bike week. So they began making stupid ordinances and tried to stop the influx of people coming. Problem was, those bikers are usually successful business men, lawyers, doctors, etc that would spend a ton of money when there. A study was done and it was crazy how much money they spent over events like the Daytona 500 and spring break and black college reunion (the least profitable event). After the study, Daytona lightened up a bit and began welcoming the bikers....imagine that.


New Member
Nov 19, 2007
ForcedTorque;1195118 said:
Florida has a Waaaay better team, and better fans than Alabama. Tell me again why they are gonna even bother with playing the game?

Lol, Florida fans are overly obnoxious when representing their team, I understand this. But there's a difference between being a better fan, than being stupid. And they have to play this game to get to the NC, they obviously can't get their ranked 4 in the BCS, so they have to beat the #1 to get in, silly.


New Member
Nov 19, 2007
labrat469;1195143 said:
If we are going to say who has the worse fans then it's LSU all the way.

the faux UCF (university of central florida) fans are great too. Never had I seen so many fans come out of the closet as they did last year. It's funny, cause they seem to be MIA this year.


New Member
Oct 25, 2008
Gadsden Alabama
BlackSS;1195124 said:
Lol, Florida fans are overly obnoxious when representing their team, I understand this. But there's a difference between being a better fan, than being stupid. And they have to play this game to get to the NC, they obviously can't get their ranked 4 in the BCS, so they have to beat the #1 to get in, silly.
Dang dude i lived in jacksonville fla for 14 years and been to numerous uf games and you have drunken fools there to.Ive been to many Alabama football games and havnt had any problems with fans. The differance between Alabama and Fla. is you cant go a frikin block without seeing a cop. Fla is like a police state.Im glad i moved to a laid back place where everyone knows you ,everyone says hi how ya doin while smiling. The reason there obnoxious is the only care about themself and not others. Id never move back there. If you want to insinuate that most alabama fans act stupid . THEN PLEASE DONT POST. Read the title (Crimson Tide Fans only) "LABRAT469" Dont take offence to someone yelling Roll Tide . if you didn't grow up in alabama you wouln't understand it. they are raised to be a bama fan or auburn fan even before there born. They take team spirit to heart. Our fans are the most loyal you can find and we are serious about football, from peewee to the pros.
Last edited:


New Member
Nov 19, 2007
dogdrake;1195358 said:
Dang dude i lived in jacksonville fla for 14 years and been to numerous uf games and you have drunken fools there to.Ive been to many Alabama football games and havnt had any problems with fans. The differance between Alabama and Fla. is you cant go a frikin block without seeing a cop. Fla is like a police state.Im glad i moved to a laid back place where everyone knows you ,everyone says hi how ya doin while smiling. The reason there obnoxious is the only care about themself and not others. Id never move back there. If you want to insinuate that most alabama fans act stupid . THEN PLEASE DONT POST. Read the title (Crimson Tide Fans only) "LABRAT469" Dont take offence to someone yelling Roll Tide . if you didn't grow up in alabama you wouln't understand it. they are raised to be a bama fan or auburn fan even before there born. They take team spirit to heart. Our fans are the most loyal you can find and we are serious about football, from peewee to the pros.

No doubt there are drunks everywhere. I've just never had a problem like Labrat stated. Hell, the past few years my brother has been attending UF, so i've been tailgating/partying with students when I go to a game. It's just that Labrat seems to be blowing it out of proportion just a tad. And I don't think your comment about not posting if you think Bama fans act stupid was directed at me(looks like it was made to Labrat), but I never said they act stupid, I was just going off of what a person from Alabama stated about there fans and showing what Florida does about the same problem.

I love talking about football. I always look at things with an intelligent view (although not always unbiased :biglaugh: ), and hate the typical football fan that has no idea what's going on on the know the ones that cheer for anything and it's always a bad call when their team gets a penalty. Hell I even predicted 2-3 losses by UF last year when the year started, even though everyone around was on the UF bandwagon. I just can't avoid threads like these. I love debating football, but I do it with facts to back it up, not simply because I'm a fan of a certain team (that was not directed at anyone).

That being said.....I think Bama fans will be dancing in the streets Saturday. TWO MORE DAYS!