i wish u could count but u cant.it was posted 2 times...as far as sending u pic. NO... you seem to forget i own the car. i decide the final cost...and now that i dont like the way u write. i will never sell you my car. now go and cry to mommy and daddy about it and shut the fuck up
*ME Explaining*
theres one EMail he said when i asked if he'd take 1,500 Cash and if i could have more pictures of the car, and a lil info on it and he was asking 2000OBO, he posted it on Craigslist 4 times. I asked for vin number to run the number to see if its clean for my new build.
He keeps emailing me and saying im a dumb fuck, im to stupid to own the car, My mom this and that, I told him to meet me Locally *were 40 miles apart and I said i'd make the drive* to meet him Face to face and run his mouth to me, and he hasnt Replied to me on that yet, Yes internet aruging is bullshit.
BUT not when your Local
i also said he's fuckin with the wrong person.
im gonna laugh if he thinks im some small as teen, when a 6'3 264 pound "Dumbfuck (me)* gets out of the car and whoops his fucking ass