Fix the 1JZGTE head flow problems



Ric said:
I think a 2JZGTE head on a 1JZGTE with cams, porting, etc... would be amazing.

I have my reasons to love the 2.5 liters of a 1JZGTE, just the simple smooth power and good sounding motor mainly, but the 1JZGTE head is something less desirable when it comes to choice of aftermarket.

Sure yeah, I could port the fuck out of it, get special order cams, custom made intake manifold, etc....

Or I could get a stock 2JZGTE head with 264 cams, a nice aftermarket intake manifold, dime a dozen fuel rails, etc... and revv the PISS out of the 1JZGTE with a nice 74mm turbo and run 9's all day long with the autp and a 3500 stall with 2step.

Then again this setup isn't really needed either, as it's proven the 1JZGTE can make over 800whp with basic head work.

The guy that did 850whp on his 1JZGTE with a GT45 turbo on 30psi with no nitrous, is right on par with 2JZGTE's. In fact, he was the highest HP car at the supra meet. A GT45 turbo is comparable to a T78, and on a equally built 2JZGTE, a T78 also does around 850whp @ 30psi.

First of all this is Mark Conte from supraforums, not Sean.

I had to come on here because we have some assinine comments going on from someone who has no damn clue of what they speak.

First of all, shut up. You have no idea what 2JZs do with GT45 turbos. Let me help you.

Tony's 78mm (normally they are 80-81mm, this is a PTE hybrid) - at 33psi made 930whp spinning

Kareem's GT4508R modified into the smaller housings (less airflow) made 1051 SAE in front of a few hundred Supra owners.

A local car with a 45-78 hybrid also made 962 on a fresh motor without leaning on the boost controller or timing.

Furthermore, the turbo on the car you're talking about wasn't a GT45.

Also, what are you talking about a T78 is the same as a GT45, you're so unbelievably wrong it hurts my brain. You know nothing about turbochargers, and actually you know nothing about the car that you're talking about.

A T78 is a 66mm turbo and will not even approach 850whp, in fact it wont even make 850hp at the engine.

Now that we've gone over everything you've said that is blatantly wrong, how about you go ahead and discuss the performance benefits of a 1jz over a 2jz. RPM? RPM is what you have to do when you don't have displacement. All that RPM does is create higher piston speeds which means you must accelerate the intake charge to keep up with the piston in order to negate the precipitous fall off in volumetric efficiency that happens when the piston outruns the intake charge. Something you obviously don't understand by your eloquent plan of 'porting the fuck out of it' because when you oversize a port you lose intake velocity. It also means that you need a more aggressive camshaft - usually longer duration - so the valve is open long enough to injest adequate air to fill the cylinder, this is also a detrimental situation due to the fact that at low RPM the dynamic compression ratio is sacrificed and low end torque suffers. It also means the car will not idle very well due to the lack of vacuum from the cams.

Of course your lack of understanding doesn't stop there. You discuss aftermarket intake manifold having no idea that these oversized throttle bodies that every aftermarket intake manifold use further hinder drivability and tip-in throttle due to the fact that a larger throttle plate when cracked allows a larger amount of air into the cylinder and it is difficult to control a large injector in these conditions, not to mention the additional resolution you would want to have to attain good driving characteristics.

All in all, do not speak to things you do not know. Everyone learns, I learn new things every day, probably some things I could learn from you. But you speak as if you've 'been there, done that' and via your amazingly articulate posts with such engineering gems like, "revv the PISS out of the 1JZGTE" it's quite obvious that you haven't been there, nor done that.


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
holy shit, i think i just learned more from that amazingly written post than spending 2 hours in the MKIII section of supraforums.


New Member
Oct 4, 2006
2jzmk3 said:
All in all, do not speak to things you do not know. Everyone learns, I learn new things every day, probably some things I could learn from you. But you speak as if you've 'been there, done that' and via your amazingly articulate posts with such engineering gems like, "revv the PISS out of the 1JZGTE" it's quite obvious that you haven't been there, nor done that.
I cant believe I am defending ric but even though he has his issues, you come across as a complete prick I like how you ended this with you saying everyone learns to try to soften the blow. but your nothing more one of those internet fags who gets a stiffy off sounding like he has a clue. The thing with Ric is that he is he cleary has tunnel vision when it comes to the 1jz I know with my avatar and comments I have made anyone can draw that conclusion with me too. but its all in fun. The reaper,tissimo,csnow. always shit talk the 1jz, but obviously all in good humour. but every 1jz vs 2jz debate some how you sneak in trying to be an E-badass. if you felt the need to correct ric. you could have pointed out where he was wrong without trying to come across as a pompous condecending fucking douche.


Boostage said:
I cant believe I am defending ric but even though he has his issues, you come across as a complete prick I like how you ended this with you saying everyone learns to try to soften the blow. but your nothing more one of those internet fags who gets a stiffy off sounding like he has a clue. The thing with Ric is that he is he cleary has tunnel vision when it comes to the 1jz I know with my avatar and comments I have made anyone can draw that conclusion with me too. but its all in fun. The reaper,tissimo,csnow. always shit talk the 1jz, but obviously all in good humour. but every 1jz vs 2jz debate some how you sneak in trying to be an E-badass. if you felt the need to correct ric. you could have pointed out where he was wrong without trying to come across as a pompous condecending fucking douche.

Listen up buddy. I don't care how I come across to you. I don't care about softening the blow. My last paragraph was not for his or your benefit it was general advice. I never try to say I know everything. If someone is discussing something that I don't know anything about, I will be the first to ask questions. I have no problem admitting when I don't know something.

Let me make this painfully clear. I do not care what you think of me. As for you saying that I'm trying to SOUND like I have a clue, then feel free O' wise man, explain to me where I'm wrong.

I have seen countless examples of where this guy has said incorrect comments on Supraforums. I've met him in person and he's just as cocky as anyone. In fact, I even had to crawl under his car to bolt an axle back into his car at a Supra meet a few years back if I remember correctly. Don't talk to me about knowing what I'm talking about if you don't know me and you don't know what I know. You don't know what I've done, what I do for a living or anything about me.


New Member
Oct 4, 2006
2jzmk3 said:
Listen up buddy. I don't care how I come across to you. I don't care about softening the blow. My last paragraph was not for his or your benefit it was general advice. I never try to say I know everything. If someone is discussing something that I don't know anything about, I will be the first to ask questions. I have no problem admitting when I don't know something.

Let me make this painfully clear. I do not care what you think of me. As for you saying that I'm trying to SOUND like I have a clue, then feel free O' wise man, explain to me where I'm wrong.

I have seen countless examples of where this guy has said incorrect comments on Supraforums. I've met him in person and he's just as cocky as anyone. In fact, I even had to crawl under his car to bolt an axle back into his car at a Supra meet a few years back if I remember correctly. Don't talk to me about knowing what I'm talking about if you don't know me and you don't know what I know. You don't know what I've done, what I do for a living or anything about me.

Mark, Listen man, I wont meet even a 3rd of the members of this site but we are all adults here surely we can get our points across as such. You and I are Florida Members I have Already Met csnow , at some point we are likely to meet somewhere. I'll probably meet Ric. and whoever else from the central FL area. so no need to come forth with this nasty holier than thou attitude, I have said my fair share of shit to Ric hell look at my signature..

But you really came across like you wanted to make it personal. You said Ric is cocky in person just like on here, then if thats his deameanor then so be it. but Im still confident that he is approachable. but they way your carrying on. It makes me think if I visit your neck of the woods for a meet, I cant walk up to you and shake your hand and BS with you about yours or my setup. and I feel there is no need for that.


Boostage said:
Mark, Listen man, I wont meet even a 3rd of the members of this site but we are all adults here surely we can get our points across as such. You and I are Florida Members I have Already Met csnow , at some point we are likely to meet somewhere. I'll probably meet Ric. and whoever else from the central FL area. so no need to come forth with this nasty holier than thou attitude, I have said my fair share of shit to Ric hell look at my signature..

But you really came across like you wanted to make it personal. You said Ric is cocky in person just like on here, then if thats his deameanor then so be it. but Im still confident that he is approachable. but they way your carrying on. It makes me think if I visit your neck of the woods for a meet, I cant walk up to you and shake your hand and BS with you about yours or my setup. and I feel there is no need for that.

I appreciate what you're saying, whether or not you like my tone, that's fine. I came on here to correct misinformation. When I re-read the thread I can see that it has not been very aggressive to this point. However, sadly from what I have seen, the person I was responding to is generally aggressive and a know-it-all type of person even though he's often wrong. I get linked to threads on orlandoforums where he is posting ridiculous comments, I see them on supraforums, and it just so happened I saw them on this forum.

He is disrespectful almost any time I see a post from him. I'm sorry but that's the way it is. I do not respect people who talk down to people for no reason and disrespect other people's wishes for no reason. He has talked down to many of my friends and I very rarely say anything to him as it's not my place. He also posts information (albeit incorrect information) about cars that he has no right talking about when the owner requests they are not discussed.

This being an automotive forum, I felt and still feel that it is not out of line for me to respond to him. I could have worded it with less 'spite' possibly, but to be perfectly honest, I don't have too much compassion for a person's feelings when they have proven to me that they pretty much don't care whatsoever about anyone else.

I do understand that this may be the first post of mine that you have read, giving you a bad taste in your mouth about me, and I apologize for that as I don't know you from Adam, but it is what it is. I have no issues with you, and I would act the same to anyone's face as I would on the internet. If Ric came up to me in person, I'd be happy to tell him that I think he's a jackass, just as he most likely thinks I am. I don't even remember what the guy looks like at this point, the only things that I have to go off of are the countless disrespectful and condescending posts I see him leave on every forum that I have seen him on to date.

As for me, there are a lot of people who could vouch for the fact that I'm willing to help anyone with a job (if I remember the guy correctly I was even under his car at a supra meet a few years back when I didn't even know his name), no matter how small or large, be happy to offer advice or knowledge if I know the answers, and like to see the community grow as a whole. You will rarely find an aggressive post from me on a forum that I frequent, you just happened to stumble across one here. For that I'm sorry, but it is what it is.


New Member
Oct 4, 2006
2jzmk3 said:
I appreciate what you're saying, whether or not you like my tone, that's fine. I came on here to correct misinformation. When I re-read the thread I can see that it has not been very aggressive to this point. However, sadly from what I have seen, the person I was responding to is generally aggressive and a know-it-all type of person even though he's often wrong. I get linked to threads on orlandoforums where he is posting ridiculous comments, I see them on supraforums, and it just so happened I saw them on this forum.

He is disrespectful almost any time I see a post from him. I'm sorry but that's the way it is. I do not respect people who talk down to people for no reason and disrespect other people's wishes for no reason. He has talked down to many of my friends and I very rarely say anything to him as it's not my place. He also posts information (albeit incorrect information) about cars that he has no right talking about when the owner requests they are not discussed.

This being an automotive forum, I felt and still feel that it is not out of line for me to respond to him. I could have worded it with less 'spite' possibly, but to be perfectly honest, I don't have too much compassion for a person's feelings when they have proven to me that they pretty much don't care whatsoever about anyone else.

I do understand that this may be the first post of mine that you have read, giving you a bad taste in your mouth about me, and I apologize for that as I don't know you from Adam, but it is what it is. I have no issues with you, and I would act the same to anyone's face as I would on the internet. If Ric came up to me in person, I'd be happy to tell him that I think he's a jackass, just as he most likely thinks I am. I don't even remember what the guy looks like at this point, the only things that I have to go off of are the countless disrespectful and condescending posts I see him leave on every forum that I have seen him on to date.

As for me, there are a lot of people who could vouch for the fact that I'm willing to help anyone with a job (if I remember the guy correctly I was even under his car at a supra meet a few years back when I didn't even know his name), no matter how small or large, be happy to offer advice or knowledge if I know the answers, and like to see the community grow as a whole. You will rarely find an aggressive post from me on a forum that I frequent, you just happened to stumble across one here. For that I'm sorry, but it is what it is.

:bigthumb: Ok man fair enough