First oil change after rebuild- health of engine ? [Pics]

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night ryda
Dec 7, 2010
Sydney, Australia, Australia
Hi guys

So Ive finally reached my 1000km mark after my rebuild and decided to do the oil change.

Used Castrol Magnatec 10w-40


Oil was relatively clean, most of the inconsistencies turned out to be mere bubbles.

Found a total of two 1cm wide, 2cm long metal particles. Other then that no noticeable filings.







the only substantial particle I found in the oil:


Also exhaust always spits this out. Is this a result of running extremely rich?



I know you cant tell much just by looking at the photos but for the experienced members by looking at this oil does the engine seem healthy?
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New Member
Jun 30, 2007
What did you do on the rebuild? The black spots on the ground are just carbon from the exhaust that's mixed with condensation in the exhaust system. Exhaust needs to be warmed up so any water evaporates out.
By the way, used engine oil is very toxic, try to avoid handling it with your bare skin.


night ryda
Dec 7, 2010
Sydney, Australia, Australia
Typhoon;1791821 said:
What did you do on the rebuild? The black spots on the ground are just carbon from the exhaust that's mixed with condensation in the exhaust system. Exhaust needs to be warmed up so any water evaporates out.
By the way, used engine oil is very toxic, try to avoid handling it with your bare skin.

did everything on my sig -->MHG/ARP studs/bolts | TRD Group A cams 288/288 12mm lift | Oversized forged pistons | adjustable cam gears | bored to just under 3.1L

yeah didnt think the exhaust spray was anything to serious- just messy from spraying shit everywhere when its idling.

il keep in mind how toxic used engine oil is next time :)


night ryda
Dec 7, 2010
Sydney, Australia, Australia
JStoked;1791901 said:
^ plus one to that. Your oil filter will tell you alot about what is going on with your engine.

tried doing that, was a b*tch to open and after struggling for an hour tryna get the damn filter of (toyota loves putting vital parts in hard to reach places dont they) I gave up and threw the filter away :(


Supramania Contributor
Jan 18, 2009
M-bay, cali
Your car Shouldn't be spiting out that black stuff. Is it sooty or oily? It will kill your highflow cat.

This is what my filter looked like. You can have a same sent to blackstone so you really know whats going on inside.

aloshan;1791922 said:
tried doing that, was a b*tch to open and after struggling for an hour tryna get the damn filter of (toyota loves putting vital parts in hard to reach places dont they) I gave up and threw the filter away :(

Get the proper tool and its easy.


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
Oil filter is a direct shot on the GTE... If it's not coming off it's either on too tight or the o-ring wasn't lubed.


night ryda
Dec 7, 2010
Sydney, Australia, Australia
mecevans;1791924 said:
Your car Shouldn't be spiting out that black stuff. Is it sooty or oily? It will kill your highflow cat.

This is what my filter looked like. You can have a same sent to blackstone so you really know whats going on inside.

Get the proper tool and its easy.

its sooty,ive got far to much on my plate right now to be sending anything away anywhere. Got so much to do on the supe!

mecevans;1791924 said:
Get the proper tool and its easy.

I bought the whole oil changing kit for this very reason. Ive learnt not having the correct tools takes twice as long to do and the job is done half as well. Even with my tools it was hard to manouvere the tool under the oil filter to slip it on. Oil filters on 7mgtes are a bitch to remove , the sheer number if oil filter relocation kits on the market is a testament to this.
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night ryda
Dec 7, 2010
Sydney, Australia, Australia
IJ.;1791928 said:
Looks like filthy assembly :nono:

1000 Km's Oil shouldn't have changed colour unless you used a Moly assembly lube.

ive been told this by a few people.its far too black after only a thousand k's. Im pretty sure he cleaned everything before he assembled, I had pics of it and everything, then again after the last year I trust almost no one now.


beside a dirty rebuild , any other reason the oil has turned this black?

will I have to wait and see what color the oil is on the next oil change to know if it was indeed a filthy assembly or a more severe matter?


night ryda
Dec 7, 2010
Sydney, Australia, Australia
Poodles;1791941 said:
Oil filter is a direct shot on the GTE... If it's not coming off it's either on too tight or the o-ring wasn't lubed.

maybe oring wasnt lubed - damn turbo is in the way on the top and getting any instrument from the bottom was close to impossible. After using my hands for sometime the bugger finally came off.

Made sure I lubed it up before putting it back on ,tightened it up but made sure i didn't overdo it as I don't want to have this problem again.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Poodles;1791941 said:
Oil filter is a direct shot on the GTE... If it's not coming off it's either on too tight or the o-ring wasn't lubed.
7m's are a cakewalk to get to the filter on... try a 1j swapped into a LHD car sometime, you'll see. ;)

Best place I found to get it from on a 7m was from behind the turbo side's motor mount. Should have a pretty clear shot from there, unless you have a different kind of manifold that we don't know about.

As for the oil, if you're worried about it, I would send a sample in to Blackstone.


night ryda
Dec 7, 2010
Sydney, Australia, Australia
Hi Guys

So the problems never end....

Ive started blowing large amounts of white smoke out of my exhaust , its much worse when I'm
in neutral.

This started happening immediately after I did an oil change. Oil I used is Castrol Magnatec 10w-40.

Yes Ive checked for overfill. Oil is at "FULL" level on the dipstick

Checked my coolant , seems fine - temperature reading is normal.(so thank god dont thinks its a blown HG)

Car is boosting fine , driving fine , everything is normal - just copious amounts of white smoke billowing out of my exhaust.

I put about 5.5L in from empty, this sounds like oil or water entering the cylinders , however my HG and oil level seems fine.

Did I use a wrong viscosity oil , 10w-40 should be OK right?

This might be a stupid question but I also filled transmission fluid, could an excess of transmission fluid possibly cause this?


night ryda
Dec 7, 2010
Sydney, Australia, Australia
Turbo Habanero;1793059 said:
what does it smell like ?
whats the temp outside ?
Does it ever stop?
do a compression Test !!!

is it worth a compression test? should I attempt to remove some oil first?

It does slow down in gear but is worse when in neutral

smells like gas but not strong smelling(definitely not sweet smelling , rechecked my coolant level - looks fine)

Temp outside ranging from 68 degrees Fahrenheit - 84 degrees Fahrenheit - basically the same weather its been in all its life

ive also filled in 5.5L (about 5.8 quarts) oil from empty

Turbo Habanero

New Member
Apr 28, 2009
aloshan;1793062 said:
is it worth a compression test? should I attempt to remove some oil first?

It does slow down in gear but is worse when in neutral

smells like gas but not strong smelling(definitely not sweet smelling , rechecked my coolant level - looks fine)

Temp outside ranging from 68 degrees Fahrenheit - 84 degrees Fahrenheit - basically the same weather its been in all its life

ive also filled in 5.5L (about 5.8 quarts) oil from empty

Well i use 6quarts on my 7M so its not that

do yo have a wideband gauge ?

Also it never hurts to be sure when it comes to this so yes id do a compression test. its not to hard to do


night ryda
Dec 7, 2010
Sydney, Australia, Australia
Turbo Habanero;1793068 said:
Well i use 6quarts on my 7M so its not that

do yo have a wideband gauge ?

Also it never hurts to be sure when it comes to this so yes id do a compression test. its not to hard to do

oh thought Id have to take it to a mechanic (which usually charge on upward of $300 for any work on my car , even basic work)

Il be buying a compression tester kit this weekend then.

no dont have a wide band gauge , this problem only started after my oil change though so it HAS to be something to do with that
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