i'm sitting here in dallas, remembering the horrible day i've had
2 am, tring to sleep, trainee informes me that jake brake no longer functions, i tell him to slow down
7am trainee wakes me up again, the clutch pedal is on the floor
9am limp an 80000lb into truck stop, stall it out in fuel island because of no -funct clutch
1030am, much cussing and swearing later, pull all panels out from underdash, shove pin back into pivot point
1100 my turrn to drive, discover pass side door latch broken, now we look like fags using the same door
1200, pin falls out again, lurch to a stop in a rest area, reinsert, secure with cargo seal, start engine, get check motor warning on dash.
1230 decide warning isn't importaint, but now i have an airbag leak, dumping from 125 psi on brake system mto 60 in like 2 minutes(this is very bad).
1245, decide to run anyway, not waiting all night for a service truck, pressure will hold with truck running.discover that now, drivers door won't shut
1pm, wake trainee, hand him roll of duct tape, tape door shut, have him rreenter truck nascar style(a real red-neck, he loved it)
130 pm, a/c blower ggpoes out....shit!
140 truck passes, rips door open, pull off on ramp, re-tape door
currently, shop says 2 days to get in, i'm at the red roof if someone wants to buy me a beer...
ih, the kicker, 364000 miles....warrnty went out last week....coincidence? read the book...
2 am, tring to sleep, trainee informes me that jake brake no longer functions, i tell him to slow down
7am trainee wakes me up again, the clutch pedal is on the floor
9am limp an 80000lb into truck stop, stall it out in fuel island because of no -funct clutch
1030am, much cussing and swearing later, pull all panels out from underdash, shove pin back into pivot point
1100 my turrn to drive, discover pass side door latch broken, now we look like fags using the same door
1200, pin falls out again, lurch to a stop in a rest area, reinsert, secure with cargo seal, start engine, get check motor warning on dash.
1230 decide warning isn't importaint, but now i have an airbag leak, dumping from 125 psi on brake system mto 60 in like 2 minutes(this is very bad).
1245, decide to run anyway, not waiting all night for a service truck, pressure will hold with truck running.discover that now, drivers door won't shut
1pm, wake trainee, hand him roll of duct tape, tape door shut, have him rreenter truck nascar style(a real red-neck, he loved it)
130 pm, a/c blower ggpoes out....shit!
140 truck passes, rips door open, pull off on ramp, re-tape door
currently, shop says 2 days to get in, i'm at the red roof if someone wants to buy me a beer...
ih, the kicker, 364000 miles....warrnty went out last week....coincidence? read the book...