...er...try FOUR young kids, a wife who HATES the car (all fourteen PLUS years I've had it), a job that takes 7 days a week on call to all hours, home-build project BARELY under way (planning stages... er... for seven years now...), full-time working wife, three-PLUS acres of yard... a couple to mow, and a hoard of trees needing tended, a puppy (for the kids, she says) that doesn't understand what the PEE-PEE MAT is for, a one-eyed cat that lives OUTSIDE and brings several varmits to the porch-door every day, debt GREATER than the balance on my mortgage (by TWO-FOLD:aigo

, IRS "hit" to the tune of SIX-G this year, property taxes DUE this month... and a TENT to build my sevenem in.
Oh yeah... did I mention that MY car RUNS despite being stripped to the piston heads a little over a month ago?
...get off yer arses and fire up that bling-boosted-boomerang already, babe!:biglaugh: