screaminglemon said:
after checking the available sizes on ADR's website, it seems your rears are a 35mm offset. do they rub at all? looks like they might over big bumps. a little fender rolling could fix that if they do.
i ask because im putting together a wheel offset guide for the mk3 and your rears fall just outside my current limit for a 9.5" wheel. if im wrong, i'll need to do a little tweeking. thanks.
That could be, I have not had time to jack the car up and check the wheel... all the markings are on the inside. So far I have not had any issues, I've done some pretty hard launches in the past day

I try and avoid big bumps, but I've hit a few. Again, no issues yet.
A co-worker is going to get a fender roller, so I think I will do it just to be safe, its awfully close. Looks killer
masterchief819 said:
Great looking wheels! Nice tanabe. I haven't seen many supra's running the SHM. Got any sound clips of it on the 7m? Sounds great on my 1j
I have made one clip, but its 100MB, my camera seems to like to make short video's HUGE. I suppose I can send it to people on an individual basis....
Supra469 said:
Very nice mesh wheels.
Can we see some more pics of your Tananbe also, the SMH. Thanks. :icon_bigg
You bet, I'm on my laptop in bed right now, I'll post some later tomorrow if I get around to it
cbutler said:
How much are those tires worth if you don't mind me asking?
I think I paid less than this, but I'm pretty sure they've got the cheapest price. I paid for the tires when I first ordered the wheels months ago. I think they went up.
SupraJDS said:
Nice Rims man
I'm also intrested in a sound clip of the SHM & some more angles of it.
I still don't know which system to go with when I get my car rebuilt. It is a toss up between the RSR, Tanabe, or If I have enough $$ the Bic Thunder.
I am INCREDIBLY happy with it. I traded a custom setup for it... I originally had 3" back, with a glass pack. It was very loud. Then I cut off the tips and had an HKS Carbon Ti put on the pipe. It quieted it down alot and sounded really nice but then I had an offer to just swap straight across for the Tanabe.
I'm really glad I did, Its very quiet, but I think it sounds badass when I get on it. If you're after a loud exhaust this is defiantly not the right one for you, but if you want something that's really really calm, then consider the Tanabe
mattgo said:
Thanks man!
bobiseverywhere said:
very nice wheels.
and Actually
ADR Wheels
Stern Wheels
RSL Wheels
and Nitro for Trucks and SUV's
Are all owned by Golden Apple Corp.
DuH!! I knew that, I was on their site trying to figure out which ones I wanted

As far as quality goes, so far I don't think I could be happier.
ON a side note, can someone please install the package that will allow the multi-quote option. Please