neh, i admit, im not as "prideful" to be filipino as others who are and what i said may have been a little out of line, but i am a filipino here on supramania with an opinion and a voice. being filipino here in socal, (or at least where i live) tends to be more of an image rather than a true embracement of the actual culture and it's history itself ( not that i know anything). nothing wrong with that i suppose, yet it tends to get a little out of hand like the sun and stars used as a means for decorative intentions (shirts, car stickers, shoes, tattoos blah blah blah, that being filipino is nothing but a fashion statement, but by all means go ahead) that and the encouragement to ridicule our own kind for enjoyment (fake fobby accents, that shit gets old..)
i took a filipino studies class not too long ago, and it was interesting. really what ive gathered from that course was that, we are not really all that well structured in terms of a community here in the United States, (lol i guess im not helping that cause too much by being in this thread orrrr, maybe i am?) but i mean, when you reside in a heavily populated filipino town (with lots and lots of them being high school kids who do not have any clue as to who they are yet represent spiritedly) you just find yourself not really into it. or at least for me. its just so overly saturated youve become tiredsome of it (where the word "corny" comes to mind) . but i guess, if youre filipino, youre filipino.
simply put, theres just no awareness and concern like that of other marginalized groups and shiz within America, and yeah whatever. no one cares. activism does not exist, nor are we an outspoken group of people. er so says all these books and crap.
however, i love that i am filipino, wouldnt have it any other way.
thats all i gotta say. alriight on with the thread and yeah, woo.