Did any of you ever decide what you wanted to be at an early age and actually end up doing just that?
Or have most of you fallen into a job and found out you really liked it and moved up?
ITT - I got a degree in Automotive and just recently got a job working on an HP contract fixing/installing printers for all the Walmart's in the TN area. I really loved racing and paid to get a degree and with my new job I use zero of my skillsets - making three times as much as I ever did on cars.
Now I pretty much want to be an IT guy because of the money and the environment - and don't have a clue as to how to self train myself to learn everything about computers!
(I went to a special training course to learn the HP printers so as far as my job goes I am good, but since I work for my friend who owns his own business - he wants me to be able to help out with his business on routine computer calls as well)
Or have most of you fallen into a job and found out you really liked it and moved up?
ITT - I got a degree in Automotive and just recently got a job working on an HP contract fixing/installing printers for all the Walmart's in the TN area. I really loved racing and paid to get a degree and with my new job I use zero of my skillsets - making three times as much as I ever did on cars.
Now I pretty much want to be an IT guy because of the money and the environment - and don't have a clue as to how to self train myself to learn everything about computers!
(I went to a special training course to learn the HP printers so as far as my job goes I am good, but since I work for my friend who owns his own business - he wants me to be able to help out with his business on routine computer calls as well)