Fair or No?

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Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
st2b said:
You expect me to sell the car how? With the title in their name...
Tell them the current arangement is causing unneeded friction and you think it's the best option to sell it and put the $$$ back in the bank.

If you want to be treated like an adult act like one.


Canadian Bacon
Mar 16, 2007
IJ. said:
Tell them the current arangement is causing unneeded friction and you think it's the best option to sell it and put the $$$ back in the bank.

If you want to be treated like an adult act like one.

I have to agree with IJ. This is flat out the best possible solution. Sell the car and take your money and invest it for school.

What sort of deal is going to happen when you're old enough to drive it / own it? Are they going to keep the title in their name and pay the insurance?

I'm sorry if I'm trampling on you mate, but if your home is how it sounds, I would tell you to avoid becoming entangled financially in anyway to your parents, especially if this is the shit they make you go through. When you turn 18 you want to have all your own money and all your own stuff, so that they have nothing on you.

Sell the car and take your money, keep your stuff your own and leave their stuff theirs if this is the way things work.

And a teenager can't live off water and crackers. They call that eating disorder development.


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
st2b said:
That isn't my parents, the kid in the video is 16, I am 15... It's common since> The first thing I said in this thread was I'm 15, do you hear her say 16? I did.
Drop the attitude....

People here are trying to help you.

YOU posted the vid with your caption that leads people to believe that it's you.

As for the Vid I'd punch that little smartarse senseless for his smart mouth.

Before you start to think I'm on the parents side in all of this I went through much the same with my first car at 15, I found a shell at a junkyeard my father said "no no way is that coming here" I bought it and took it to a neighbours house worked on it there for 6 months then my Old man came around and said I could bring it home.

As I said they own the air you breathe....

Until you pay your own way 100% this is a fact of life.


Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
Oh that video reminds me of my mom... good times good times. My mom was the same way, she smashed my playstation 1 with a hammer right in front of me because I was skipping too much school.

Just remember your parents are only doing what they think is best for you. You may not like it, but who knows, it might end up with a better out come.


Sep 15, 2006
Versailles (Lex) Ky
The made the thread to discuss their insane rules. Yes I understand they can watch me take a piss if they want, but the fact is it's just wrong. Why are parents not open minded, and conceited in the fact that they control everything their children does.

Why do my parents physically stop me from taking a glance at the car I worked for, but let me smoke?

I can easily explain that to you. It seems that all they care about is being presidents of the house, what good is it doing them? Nothing at all.

And because there are parents on the forum, they are going to see it the same way my parents are.


Jan 10, 2006
San Jose, CA
Cars take away from school time. I am not even kidding. I know a guy that almost didn't graduate because he was too involved with his car and the culture. I myself can also say my grades slipped and screwed up my college plans. DON'T LET IT HAPPEN TO YOU.


Black Supramacist.
Mar 19, 2006
Dude, I'm gonna level with you. Stop whining.

It's your parents home. They make the rules.

You can post on the internet bitching about your parents until the cows come home, it isn't going to help the situation one little bit

You're like 95% of the kids out there with over anal parents - You're constantly looking for a way to defy them. If you go against their wishes, you're going to make the situation a whole lot worse.

Talk to your parents about it. If they still want to be anal, tell them you want to sell the car, if they refuse (I can't see why they'd do that), let the car go and save up for another one, just don't get your parents involved.


YotaMD.com author
Nov 10, 2006
I wanted a "sports" car when I was 15. My dad, BEING SMART, didn't let me.

I'm now 20 and saved for over a year, WHILE EARNING SCHOLARSHIPS with my high GPA, WHILE WORKING, WHILE PAYING FOR MY OWN FOOD.... and then I finally was able to buy one.

Sorry, but at 15 I don't think any kid should own a sports car. I was mad at my parents then, now I'm grateful.

I would have done sooooo much stupid shit with a 200hp engine in a rwd car at 16.

I say take a bunch of pics of the car, as it is beautiful :), but sell it. Focus on school, get a good job(or keep the one you have) and save. Your parents owe you ZERO respect, YOU OWE THEM A LOT.

If you were my kid, I'd slap the cig from your mouth too ;)

Good luck and I hope you are able to find a happy medium between you and your folks.
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