

Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
bigaaron said:
Another thing I notice is many people buying parts based on price alone, and not even considering customer service or honesty or quality.

why do you think im going to get some parts from you. the price is good and i havent heard anything bad about you. come to think about it...all i have heard of is praises.

IJ, i did get the car because it was cheap, RWD and it was what i wanted. a project car. my car is far from done, my mechanical skill needs some work, and i have ALOT to learn still. i have a few great supra people in my area, and i ALWAYS ask questions (ask slow66 and jonoturbo. they have probably gotten a little pissed at me for asking too many questions before)


Mark III Lover
Jan 15, 2007
I wouldn't mind having a mentor for my supra down here in my area. But SM is my mentor, and IJ has helped a bit before. Thanks guys.


2jzget comingsoon!
Mar 30, 2005
Why ya'll got to pick on me?


Here lately Halmk3 and myself have been someone's mentor.... although I'm not sure how much we are helping...

I remember 3 years ago. I was stupid on mk3's... LOL. I've learned a lot since then, and still have a lot to learn.


Going for broke
Mar 30, 2005
Cheap, fast, reliable; pick two.

Too many people buy a supra expecting to get all three. That's the real problem.

I don't think it's lack of experience. I bought my first supra 5 years ago knowing nothing about them except that I wanted one. I've learned alot the hard way, and it would have been nice to know an experienced supra guy back then but enthusiasm along with some common sense will overcome lack of experience over time.


2jzget comingsoon!
Mar 30, 2005
Cheap, Fast, Reliable can be had in the form of a GSXR 1000 ;)

Duane... where did you get that "little" turbo in your sig... you should really consider an upgrade.


Supramania Contributor
Apr 12, 2005
Pomona, CA
Experience is expensive, but it can pay for itself in time.
I agree with IJ that having someone to help you when you are starting out is invaluable. You can only learn so much from the forums. You learn so much more if you supliment what you hear on the forums with book reading and hands on experience. If I'm around someone with more experience then me I try to talk less, listen more, and ask good questions. I probably come across like I a knowitall on here, but I'll be the first to admit when I'm not sure about something, or don't have the answer. The thing is, I hate to not have the answer, which is why I spend so much time researching things. I ask the people who I know will know the answer, then I REMEMBER what I was told, and then verify it on my own. I've learned a lot of great things from a lot of smarter people then myself, and that's why I spend so much time answering questions. I feel I should give back what I can, because when I need something I know I have people there to lend a hand.


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
research is key, I'm a hands on guy (always been able to take things apart and put em back together...without parts missing and they still work), but you can't just go ripping into the internals of the engine and expect it to run without knowing specs and having the right tools.

Hell, how many people have forgotten to replace the gasket on the t-stat and it leaks? Or better yet, overtorqued the bolts for the t-stat and have them snap? Even a LITTLE job can bite you in the ass, and have you reaching for the TSRM and a torque wrench.

My bro didn't think I could do all the work I have, he's rebuild SBC's before, but I told him to STFU and let me do it myself since he told me I couldn't do it, or hey though he knew better (when it was the exact opposite of the TSRM).

If you took your car to a mechanic, what's the chances they have ever worked on a supra? Pretty rare, and they like to fuck up the easiest jobs (like replacing your clutch). I'll NEVER bring my car to a shop again. Maybe a machine shop as I can't afford all that machinery, but other than that I do all my own work...


I am the Super Devil
Jun 22, 2005
Mississauga, Ontario
heh im not too sure if anyone remembers me when i first started out here. i was very inexperience, and had all of the common problems of the mark 3.
although this thread has many good points, i would recommend a thread title change.
I believe that the only reason i am here today still is because i had heart. I have had many locals who have commented on the heart i put into the car, no matter how immature i may seem to some of the older guys. Hell now look where i am! i am somewhat familiar, i give help whenever i can and i am even an employee of a local speed shop! Who would have thought!
So i believe enthusiasm without heart should be added, don't you think? :)


New Member
Mar 9, 2007
I will tell everyone I know that I know jack shit about cars. Though I can hold conversations with my mechanic, and understand most stuff... I have found myself hanging around my mechanics shop a lot (he lets me use his tools, watch him, shoot the shit, ect ect) and I am learning a little from that. I have found though, that a lot of my lack of knowledge comes more so from not having the right tools to do the job. But yes, it really upsets me when I see people who do work on cars yet don't know what they are doing, and say they do. Many of times I have asked friends for help on my car who say they know what they are doing and in the long run I end up fixing / installing the part and they are sitting down doing nothing, without a clue in the world of what they are doing...

though this thread was probably created for people like me (buying a supra with no clue what the fuck the engine holds, nor what can or can not be done to it) but... I have one distinct difference, may not know everything, but I sure as hell will NOT buy cheap parts formy cars, no matter what kind they are :-D


Senior VIP Member
Aug 23, 2006
Hot and Humid, KY
How much boost can I run on my stock supra? ;)

The learning never stops with these cars, nor any others for that matter. There's always something new to learn, but you must have the mindset to learn it, remember it, and apply that knowledge.