

May 1, 2005
Melbourne, Australia
simple! you say to her "do you want me to sort him out?" if she says no you say "ok deal with him and call me when your done, or let me sort him out NOW"

the longer he's around the higher the chances your going to find sloppy seconds the next day after she weakens and cops one last one from him and then another last one and another last one till there back together and your out in the cold anyway!


New Member
Jan 15, 2006
Melbourne Australia
be a man, take control of your woman!

speak to him, threaten him, do whatever you gotta do, dont let this tosser pump his cry baby BS back into your girls head

remember what ghandi said ' remember guys, you fuck chicks, dont let them fuck you'


The Backseat Flyer
Sep 17, 2005
If you lived in Florida, you could invite him over and then say he tried to force his way into your house and beat the living shit out of him and be covered by the law :)

But seriously, there's no fucking way I would've let my girlfriend be alone with this guy and there's no way I would let a little bastard like him keep pulling shit like that.

Shytheed Dumas

For Sale
Mar 6, 2006
Louisville, KY
IJ. said:
CK: I know this may sound like my solution to everything but a little pain inflicted should sort him out.....

IJ. said:
No Witness carefully inflicted pain so it's his word against yours ...

IJ. said:
Hurt him a little and make him understand there will be a price to pay each time he bothers her, you'd be surprised how effective this is and how little pain is required to achieve the end result...
(mind this is working on the assumption she's worth it to you)

IJ? It's starting to sound like you're a mafia goon by night / Supra-god by day!!!! You break kneecaps to fund your rebuild? :naughty:


Sep 12, 2005
assuming she doesnt like him or w.e
you need to get in his face...
i was with my gf for 1 year and we took a break beacsue my car had bhg and i was working on it doing my buildup..<no joke> and when it was doen wed get together because ill admit i never spent time with her while it was down... but this kid decides to start sending roses and shit to her., come to find out 1 month l8tr she goes out with him.... well my car isnt fixed but thaty kid does know that i am coming for him when i am done with my car. i do still love this gurl and i recently told her like 2 months after i didnt say shit to her. she told me she was sry and i should of told her earlier? WTF i was with you for a year hello commen sense. i mean seriously ok i know we can say it is her fault for going with him bla bla but fuk if him and his bitch went on a break you wouldnt see me tryin to fuk it... ya know./...

lol sry i had to vent
uhhh just scare him.. get in his face be like ima woop dat ass ho:) especially if he is whining like i little bitch at her house. just be in the house and walk otut of a room yellin shit...~

o yeah PICS FTW:)


Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
It was already stated, but it needs to be said again.

"Do you want me to straighten this fucker out?"

a) Yes

Do it.

b) No

"Then you do it, but leave me the fuck alone until you do."