The fact that their owners are actually on this site trying to learn about their beasts is a good sign. It’s the attitude that I think counts the most when it comes to these cars, if your supra looks like shit then fine, but as long as you love the car, keep it on the road and keep planning that dream build, it’s better than having a fairly presentable car but not giving two damns about it. That’s just me anyway.
Maybe it’s because A70s are rarer over here than there, but I do feel a slight sadness when I see or hear of a supra being broken for parts and the shell being crushed. With just a little bit of time and money they could be such awesome cars, but their owners either can’t be arsed to put the work in, or don’t know the potential these cars harbor.
I think that one day, when there are only a couple of hundred A70s left on the streets and it’s achieved true “classic” status (A guy can dream can’t he?

), those people who killed off their A70s back in the day are going to feel it, at aleast that's what I tell myself everything I see a "Parting out" thread...