Ever think of selling your mk3?


Jun 13, 2005
Whats up fellow suprafreaks-

I'm almost 25 now, and It's been a while that I've had my supe - and it's been great, although all of the inconvenient little repairs along the way. I love the car, but recently I bought a house on a hill. Last winter was a PITA to get the car up the hill even with just an inch or two on the ground. I'd love to be able to keep the car for summers and weekend use, but I don't think I'd be able to afford to keep it.

Do you ever get to the point where you know you need to move on to something more responsible - something with 4 doors, or front wheel drive? I'm starting to get that way, even though I have a very small budget for a new car. I'd really like to also get something with a timing chain instead of a belt, so I won't have to worry every 60k miles about replacing it.

I'm the type of guy that keeps cars a loooong time - but this car is getting to the point where it's just not a reliable daily driver anymore. It's fine right now...but how long will that last? Still, I know that if I part with it - I'm going to be kicking myself for a really long time. :aigo:


Far From Maddening Crowds
Staff member
Super Moderator
Dec 30, 2005
Yeah definitely.
A TDi Jetta is down the road soon for me.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 14, 2006
Oshawa, ON, CA
You can buy a daily for cheap and having a second car will lower your insurance. It's also nice to have a second car just in case. I would just buy a daily, then you can treat the Supra like a toy.


Jun 13, 2005
Sawbladz said:
You can buy a daily for cheap and having a second car will lower your insurance. It's also nice to have a second car just in case. I would just buy a daily, then you can treat the Supra like a toy.

That's an idea. I have a two car garage, so I could always just garage the supra in one of the bays, and park the new daily driver outside. My wife won't let go of her bay (the side with the opener). She has a beat up 99 NA eclipse - I'd sell that thing before the supra. I have been getting used to it though. 4 cylinders are great on gas, and with rising prices...forget getting a Lexus v8. My dreams of getting an older GS400 are shot. Celica's get about 32mpg highway, and they look pretty good while having nice interiors also.

I just have become to attached to this car...but at the same time, I'm sick of working on it. Should I just force myself to sell it to someone that will enjoy and take good care of it? At this point, it's got only 140k miles - but this is around when everything from soup to nuts starts to break, whether its a foreign/domestic/whatever.

That car pretty much still looks the same as it does here


more pics here:


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
I'm pretty sure, hardcore owner will tell you to keep it get a DD. Even the ones who have sold it and not gotten another one have the missing gap.
So buy a DD.


Better, Faster, Stronger
Apr 10, 2007
Chicago, IL
It sounds like you really like the Supra. At this point it is getting really hard to find good ones.

I've tried to walk away twice - neither time worked.


New Member
Jul 14, 2006
yea i've thought about it a few times, almost did once, ended up getting an expedition... without trade-in. so now i dont have to worry about snow, and my supra takes me around in the summer. i know how it is with the maintance on the car, it can be a pain in the butt, but i think its worth it in the end. one of my reasons i wanted to get rid of it was it wasn't turbo. haha but that's no longer a reason. almost sold it for another supra once. but its my first baby so i couldn't let it go.


So it goes.
Apr 15, 2005
Morgantown, WV
I might be selling mine for a Tacoma pretty soon. Every time I drive it I have second thoughts though. I could really use the utility of a pickup and I'd like to be able to park in my driveway again, the Supra is too low and scrapes really bad.


New Member
Dec 3, 2006
New York
I sold my 87 hardtop Knowing I would get another one and I did. I'll never sell this one though. It's just to fucking clean. Even if I fuck it up I'll put that shit on a concrete block in my backyard and just look at it.


creepy-ass cracka
Jul 11, 2005
Redacted per Title 18 USC Section 798
All the time. It's going to be retired within the year.

As an aside it was 20 years today I bought the car. June 22, 1987 is the day I paid for and drove it off the dealers lot. I never thought I'd still be driving it today.

20 years as my DD with almost zero problems. Been the most reliable and cheap to own car I've ever had. Other than the headlights and fogs it even has the same light bulbs. All the induction plumbing except the accordion and TB coupler is original. Although I have a new one in stock even the lower radiator hose is original. As long as it checks out as serviceable it stays on.


Jun 13, 2005
Thanks for your feedback, guys - I've got a lot to think about.

jetjock - it's funny you mention that you still have your supra from 1987...that's kind of close to my story. My aunt was the original owner, only I bought it off her 7 years ago. She ordered it with a hardtop since she heard bad things about the targa top being unstable in cornering (she paid 21 or 22,000 for it). So, the car has stayed in the same family all this time. I got a good deal on it - I only paid $2500 for it, and I've already gotten that back in the money I've made off getting rear ended and fixing it myself.

The things I've had issues with:
-replaced leaking valve cover gaskets to stop the massive oil leak and retorqued the head bolts (preventative)
-had to recently replace the solenoids in the transmission (an all day job for me, the backyard mechanic)
-allignment issues, car used to eat tires
-overheating/overflowing cooling system issues (cause was a loose bolt on the front of the header - figured it out after much trial and error, and a lot of swearing. Thought I had a BHG but it wasn't one)
-Power window motor went
-Starter replaced twice (once when my aunt owned it, second time at 139k miles)
-replaced radiator/thermostat
-waterpump went bad
-I replaced the brake master cylinder

Other things that are general maintenance
-brake rotors and pads a few times
-LSD fluid replacement
-multiple coolant hoses
-new platinum plugs
-k&n air filter
-added a strut tower brace
-just about every bulb in the car (subwoofers in the trunk probably account for that, too much bass and vibration)

Is it just me or are Toyotas supposed to be more reliable than this? Maybe I got a bad one...what it all comes down to, is it's a 20 year old car, and I've had it from 13-to-20 years of age, so I'm getting the worse end of the stick when it comes to reliability.


Breaking In - in progress
Mar 30, 2005
Northern California
Few weeks back I wanted to buy a Toyota Sequoia and the thought of selling my supra entered my mind.

But nah, I wouldnt sell it. Been around Supras for far too long to let it go.
Plus I dont need to worry about car payments.

At the moment I have no debt whatsoever so I might as well enjoy a debt free life until I buy a house.



May 20, 2006
yes, i thought about selling mine, but then I bought Toyota AYGO for daily driving and then EVO IX for weekend's and some rally, so basiclly supra has become my decoration/toy/passion, which I drive only at special occasion. I've only driven a bit more then 250km's this year with it :)

I'm planing to restore it one day to it's perfection but to my estimations I would need about 15-20k usd for that (its restoration, with all original toyota parts, no bling bling upgrades) , so until then i will garage it and let her sit for a few or more years with occasional weekend drives ;)

Love my supra and I'll never let her go


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
I love having 2 cars now, the supra is just for fun when Im in the mood for it. I have a 4door cherokee full of luxury my supra never had. The jeep is Way cheaper to insure also.