Ever had to put a dog down


Sho' Nuff
Jul 11, 2005
Raleigh, North Carolina, United States
Well guys I just came back from the vet with a female friend of mine. She just got this puppy 3wks ago, it was a puggle (pug and beagle mix) she had been acting completely fine. Very playful, always barking, curious, all the normal puppy things. Then about 5pm she starts barking really weird and vomiting all over the place. At 5:10 she wont open her eyes anymore, but is weakly barking like she is in some sort of daze. Once we finally get to the emergency room its only about 5:30 and the vet says, you have two options she is critically ill and we can try to save her (which she pulled me aside and said the puppys chances would be extremely slim, since 1 they dont know whats wrong with her and 2, she keeps slipping in and out of a coma) or put her down. Of course my friend was getting freaking hysterical so I pulled her aside and broke the situation down for her. You can spend 500+ trying to save this dog, which may not be able to be saved, or put her down and end her suffering. So I ended up having to be the one to tell the vet to go ahead and put the dog down. Dude I feel so fucking horrible right now. Have any of you guys went through this? Its just freaking incredible that a dog can go from completely normal to its deathbed in 30min.


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
my first dog was about 15 when we had to have him put down. he had an enlarged heart, a tumor in his stomach and all kinds of other problems. veryyy sad. it was a collie.

another collie that my sister got was all kinds of messed up from birth and sheended up having to put him down also.

another dog my sister got was spaded by the place she got it from, and the stiches all opened up and all her insides came out and they had to put her down as well.

it sucks :(.

my dog right now is 12, hes a whippet. hes in pretty good health and still actslike a puppy.

though, with his age he has problems seeing in the dark, and his rear legs give out everyonce in a while. other than that he is doing pretty well. ivehad himsince he was a puppy.


Sho' Nuff
Jul 11, 2005
Raleigh, North Carolina, United States
Joel W. said:
Do you have any poisonous spiders or snakes in NC?

For spiders we have black widows and the brown recluse. For snakes eastern coral snake, a few kinds of rattlesnakes, cottonmouths, and I think some copperheads if im not mistaken (I was a Zoology major:naughty: ).

Im feeling a little better now though, I mean when I typed that I just finished helping clean up all the vomit that was everywhere and putting clorox to everything. I remember playing with the puppy last night, she barked like hell, but she was a happy little thing. The doctor said that she thought it was some kind of virus, so I wanted to make sure my dog would be ok and that her other dog would be alright too

I have a yr old boxer, Ive had him since he was 7wks old. Here is a pic

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Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
Wow, Those are all very poisonous for sure. That sounds pretty damm fast for a virus to me... :dunno: Could be some sort of blood poisoning I would guess if not a bite? Still sad..:cry:


Sho' Nuff
Jul 11, 2005
Raleigh, North Carolina, United States
Joel W. said:
Wow, Those are all very poisonous for sure. That sounds pretty damm fast for a virus to me... :dunno: Could be some sort of blood poisoning I would guess if not a bite? Still sad..:cry:

I thought it was pretty damn fast for a virus too, but she was so freaking small. She was only 9wks old and weighed about 5 maybe 6 lbs. The vet said thats why she thought she wouldnt be able to be saved


May 1, 2005
Melbourne, Australia
sounds like a bite or stroke :(

put my dog down about a year ago now :( old age got him nothing worse then watching a dog you have had for 15 years yelp in pain as his back legs go out from under him and he shits and piss's himself :(

boost fiend

Jul 24, 2005
Rockford, Il
i used to have a ed doberman that had to be put down for trying to bite me after having a litter. i had her for years. we grew up together. when i started to walk, she was there to watch me. it was a sad day. she never tryed to bite before. now i have a new pup and im so causious. sorry to hear that you had " to be the bad guy."


New Member
Mar 30, 2005
fairfax VA
sorry to hear. no one wants to do that but if its gotta be done than its gotta be done. imagine my mom when she had to put down the cat that my father had got her as a wedding gift. that cat was OLD, 22 i think. now the dog is getting grey at 15, he cant eat bones anymore and sleeps alot. his time is coming. glad for the time i've had with both pets though. and thats the important part.


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
it's very tough. i had a husky/malamute mix. she was about 9.5 years old when she started getting cancer of the lymphnode glands. her belly swelled up, her neck swelled up, she started getting pressure sores from just laying around. she wasn't in any pain, and was still happy. when she started losing control of herself (peeing on the floor), we had to put her down.

it was so sad though, she would try to make it outside to go to the bathroom, and she'd look at me and KNOW she wasn't supposed to go in the house, but couldn't help it. we just told her she was a good girl.

i was the only one in my family to stay in the vet's office when we put her down. i was petting her head as she died. i was in tears.

we had to take her home, and at the time, i was like 13yrs old, my bro was 15. we had to dig a hole and bury her in the rain. it was terrible. :(



Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
Allan_MA70 said:
Serious sized hole for one of them too!

yeah, i know. :( that's one of the things that made it so terrible.



New Member
Jan 15, 2006
Melbourne Australia
Allan_MA70 said:
sounds like a bite or stroke :(

put my dog down about a year ago now :( old age got him nothing worse then watching a dog you have had for 15 years yelp in pain as his back legs go out from under him and he shits and piss's himself :(

same thing happened to my german sheperd, 16 yr old, was fine up untill the day we had it put down

theres a shitload of anger built up after an event like this so its best to not be bhind the hweel of a car


Achieving Balance...
Mar 30, 2005
Put down my collie when he was 15, had that dog for most of my life (20 at the time). Just got a lab who was about 9 weeks, when the collie died you would've thought the lab did too. Was all sad cuz she used to play with the collie (mostly just running into him licking him and running around outside), and to her it was like losing a parent. Actually took a while for her to get back to normal.


Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
I havent had to put a dog down. One was given away, the other is at my dad's now. Old man(both of them) needed company. He is 11 this year.

Put down plenty of cats :bigun2: though.

Putting your dog down is your one get out of jail free card for a man caught crying.

edit: here is a tear jerker for you. A friend of mine from Michigan had a big dog. It was still alert, but doomed. My friend is only like 5'9", and maybe 150 lbs. So he had to dig the hole first, then make the dog get in and shoot him.:cry:
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Formerly dcrusupra
Jan 5, 2006
Cullowhee, NC
I might have to very soon. I took my dog in to the vet today and they said he has cancer. He has blood and cancer cells throughout his stomach. Very sad day. Hopefully he comes out on top. :cry:


Offical SM Expert: Turbochargers
SM Expert
Mar 31, 2005
Indy 500
Ive had to put many an animal down before. Its not fair, and its not fun - but such is life sometimes.

You are more of a man than you will know for the sole fact that you were there to provide your lady friend with some comfort, a shoulder to cry on and an ear to listen.

As for the dog - if they have after lifes - its in a better place.