Ever had to put a dog down


New Member
Dec 3, 2005
Nappy City
Well..unlike most stories so far..this one isn't so "sad"...but still related.

My best friend had this dog...for over 10 (human) years...It was fully grown but was always SO playful and laid back and was just a fun dog to be around...Well, after some strange thing happened, he went deaf...2 months later, was hit by a car...lost a back leg...then within weeks of that, he gets into a fight with another dog and his tail is cut off...

Now...the sad part of the story...he was still up and lively like ever before..always playing in the yard and barking and wagging it's little stub-tail:( and always joyful...but then started getting sick...and had to be put down.
It was just so sad seeing a dog that was deaf, 3 legged and no tail running around so happy when it's life was like hell...Oh well. I miss it...:(


Formerly dcrusupra
Jan 5, 2006
Cullowhee, NC
dcrusupra87 said:
I might have to very soon. I took my dog in to the vet today and they said he has cancer. He has blood and cancer cells throughout his stomach. Very sad day. Hopefully he comes out on top. :cry:

10 years old. He died today. The cancer was thruout his body. It was left untreated for a year. The damn vets didnt catch it before it was too late.

R.I.P. Mista.
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