man o man, bad day for working on the supra, ok so I just got my 1jz swap all done, (ill soon update my build thread once I can get a hold of a camera) the car is fantastic, boosts great, hauls ass you know the whole nine yards of having a 1j and enjoying it, but then I started to smell something, then I really started to smell something, then I starting getting dizzy, shit fuel leak, yea sucks, I open the hood and I didnt notice any leaks, well I go home for the night and wake up today to check it out, there was basically only one thing to check which was the fuel damper bypass, what do you know its leaking a bit and its pretty loose, so i think back to when the motor was first going into the car, the fitting for the hose kinda went in to the rail funky like it was almost cross threaded, but there wasnt much i can do except tighten it till the leak stoped, so I start tighting it and BAM! damn fitting breaks off in the rail without much torque applied, so Im pretty much in a firey ball of rage and throw wrenches every where, I come to fine out the rail was cross threaded before hand. so now my car is down till i can get my new rail and fitting installed, so while i wait for a buddy to bring the parts I decide to fix a few other things, and what do you know, after 7 months of not raining it rains, and I mean flash flood pooring making me not able to work on anything haha basically a bad day for working on the supra, thuoght id share and vent a little and was just curious if anyone feels my pain of disaster after disaster. lol