For more details please visit http://www.triplecrowndrift.com.
Colorado National Speedway
Time: 5:00 PM until closed
Cost: $5 per ticket -
Halloween Costume Contest = winner gets $50 - Winner will be announced before the Drift Competition Finals
Drift Competition – $50/Driver
Drift Competition Prizes:
1st Place = 1 Entry into any 2011 TCD drift event + TCD T-Shirt + $550 K&N Intake System
2nd Place = K&N Air Filter
3rd Place = K&N Oil Filter and Power clean gas treatment
Pre-registration only - 20 Driver Limit, All 20 advance to Drift Competition
The Drift Competition will be single judged laps until the Final 4 Drivers. The final 4 Drivers will participate in Tandem Competition to complete the rest of the event.
All Tandem after Drift Competition. We will probably be allowing some single driver action as well but I dont want to
Visit http://www.triplecrowndrift.com or email Kasey@triplecrownsports.com to Sign up for the event.
To register and submit a payment send Paypal to kasey@triplecrownsports.com
or call Kasey 970-672-0541

Circle Drag Competition -$10 or $20 and you get a TCD T-shirt
Circle Drag Competition:
1st Place = 1 Entry into any 2011 TCD Circle Drag event + TCD T-Shirt + $550 K&N Intake System
2nd Place = K&N Air Filter
3rd Place = K&N Oil Filter and Power clean gas treatment
Top 4 Drivers Advace onto M.P.H TV Show
Halloween Party
Beer Gardens Open
Live Band(s)-
Road Case
(da)^x Equation

also including:
DJ: Johnny Boost
Event Info:
M.P.H. TV Show:
This show is similar to Pass Time in that 3 judges (Willie's Choice) get a chance to guess a drivers mile per hour.
Drivers in the contest get 1 warm up lap then start to finish try to get to the highest Mile per hour they can reach.
Circle Drags:
What this means is that the Circle Drags have now been cut off at 20 drivers and will now start at 4:00 PM. we are still running the Circle Drags for all the prizes originally listed but now the Top 4 Drivers advance onto the TV Show as well as winning all the prizes.
Drift Schedule:
4:00 – 4:45 PM Drift -Driver Check in Begins
5:00 - 6:00 PM: Qualifying – all 20 drivers will get at least 3 “if not 4 or 5” Laps in qualifying to determine seeding.
As more details come in about production time for this TV show I will have a better idea whether we can start the Finals at 7 PM or 8 PM. No matter what this should be very cool.
It will give the judges time to Evaluate the drivers from Qualifying and seed them properly in to the Bracket and also give time for the cars to cool down a little and get ready for the finals.
8 PM"at the latest" - 11-12:00?: After the Drift Finals it is open Drifting (Tandem, Team stuff, Judges Drift Time, Single new vehicle break in laps "Travis, Chance") until we are kicked off the track.
Circle Drag information: (Any 4 wheel vehicle) Friday evening - 1 on 1, 1 Lap contest racing on the bank at Colorado National Speedway. Winner advances in competition until we declare a champion. This event will be run early so the drivers/fans can enjoy the festivities music and beer gardens. The Circle Drag competition is for anyone who wants to get on the track and participate in lap competition against our fellow competitive drivers This event has practically been sold out. We are currently Sold out for this event but if you would like a spot please give me a call.
We will be having a Mandatory(this should be very interesting!!!) Costume party at Friday night event For Drivers and Fans.
Drift Competition will commence directly after the M.P.H TV SHow on Friday Night .
The Speedway Beer gardens will also be open for anyone 21 an up to Enjoy that evening.
We will have a Live band - Name('s) to be release at later date. DJ's are in the mix as well.
There will be more info on this event in the future so keep an eye out for the Details.
To submit a payment for the Drift event or Circle Drags please send Paypal to kasey@triplecrownsports.com and you will be registered for the event
Drift Event Driver List:
1. Frankdms - Frank - SC300
2. Cesium - Alex - 240SX
3. Ladysavitri - Christy - 240SX
4. WorkWhorse - BJ - Mustang
6. Driftoutlaw - Wellington - 240SX
7. Triple C - Kasey - 1J Supra
8. TylerS5fc - Tyler - RX7
9. Sofaking - Jeremy - 240SX vert
10. HACHIsoCOOL - Mark - AE86
11. Emericask8er7439- - 240SX
12. 20to3 - Brian - 240SX
13. rps13 Denali - Chris - 240SX
14. -J- - Jason - RX7
15. Jesse - Morehouse - 240SX
16. Ted- Ted - 240SX
17. DJizzer Dub40sx - DJ - 240SX
18. Clayzee - Clay - 240SX
19. Slava - Slava - 240SX
20. JDMs(e)x - Kasey - 240SX
Waiting List: This list is for those Driver who would like attend and take the first available spot that opens. To secure your spot Submit payment
Drivers in Bold have paid
Circle Drag Competition:
2. Scott - Ford F350 Twin Turbo + 40 inch tires
3. Steve - Chevy Trailblazer SS
4. Johnny - 79 RX7
5. Michael Hatch / 2002 F250 Cummins swap
6. Jerry - MR2
7. Mike - 93 RX7
8. Peter - BMW 540i
9. Greg - 83 Mustang
10. Steve - 1973 Volkswagen beetle
11. Stuart - 86 Ford Turbo Mustang
12. Cody - 72 Chevy Nova
13. Paul - 08 G8 GT
14. Jeff - 88 Mustang
15. M@ - 00 Civic SI Turbo
16. Kasey - 87 Supra
17. BJ - 04 Mustang GT
18. Mike - 97 Mustang
19. Tony - 73 Datsun 240Z
20. Oleg - DSM