It's the rivets.
First; this assumes you have checked the basics like fuses, bulb, and switch in ‘Door’ position.
Does the vanity mirror light work? passenger visor mirror light
Does your dome light work when using the individual buttons on the dome light? (when fully installed) If so you are getting 12v there (vanity light working indicates 12v getting there) and the buttons provide direct ground.
In this case; the problem is most likely in the dome light assembly i.e. the rivets.
Or you can try, the next time you open the door and the dome light does not come on, give the dome light assembly a couple of thumps with your hand and door still open. Don't hit the switches. If the light comes on after a few raps.... it's the rivets.
To remove to dome light cover: With one hand placed at the back of the cover, the side with the switches, along the ceiling line press forward, toward the windshield. While with the other hand use, a couple fingers to grasp the front side of the cover, in the open space on either side of the rear view mirror mount, and pull downward. Tug firmly.
Remove assembly from roof. With the door open and the assembly electrical connector connected - wiggle, move, massage the spade connectors, if you can get to them or the wires underneath and see if the lights come on. If they don't come on, try opening the other door. You may have a bad door switch. The ground on the harness connector is provided by the door switch.
If you have 12v at the wire connector but not inside the assembly then that riveted connection is bad.
Same for ground. If you get 12v inside the assembly but it does not come on with the door open then the riveted connection for ground is bad.
Some people use a punch on the rivets to re-seat them.
What I did to fix it. Drill out the rivet. Run the wire through to the back. Silicone the hole. Put new spade connectors on both sides - wiring harness and assembly. Wa'la dome light works.
First; this assumes you have checked the basics like fuses, bulb, and switch in ‘Door’ position.
Does the vanity mirror light work? passenger visor mirror light
Does your dome light work when using the individual buttons on the dome light? (when fully installed) If so you are getting 12v there (vanity light working indicates 12v getting there) and the buttons provide direct ground.
In this case; the problem is most likely in the dome light assembly i.e. the rivets.
Or you can try, the next time you open the door and the dome light does not come on, give the dome light assembly a couple of thumps with your hand and door still open. Don't hit the switches. If the light comes on after a few raps.... it's the rivets.
To remove to dome light cover: With one hand placed at the back of the cover, the side with the switches, along the ceiling line press forward, toward the windshield. While with the other hand use, a couple fingers to grasp the front side of the cover, in the open space on either side of the rear view mirror mount, and pull downward. Tug firmly.
Remove assembly from roof. With the door open and the assembly electrical connector connected - wiggle, move, massage the spade connectors, if you can get to them or the wires underneath and see if the lights come on. If they don't come on, try opening the other door. You may have a bad door switch. The ground on the harness connector is provided by the door switch.
If you have 12v at the wire connector but not inside the assembly then that riveted connection is bad.
Same for ground. If you get 12v inside the assembly but it does not come on with the door open then the riveted connection for ground is bad.
Some people use a punch on the rivets to re-seat them.
What I did to fix it. Drill out the rivet. Run the wire through to the back. Silicone the hole. Put new spade connectors on both sides - wiring harness and assembly. Wa'la dome light works.

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