Disable automatic door unlocking


Supramania Contributor
Hey guys, my search didn't yield a whole lot. I was looking to see if anyone knew how to wire the turbo timer so that when the car shuts off the auto door unlock function does not unlock the door. I have a Greddy turbo timer and it kind of defeats the purpose of having it when the doors unlock and you want to walk away. Thanks for any help.


United States of America
Mar 30, 2005
Look on the tt. Just don't connect the acc line from the tt to anything.

I was under the impression that it was a physical switch that determines if the keys are still in the ignition, that unlocks the door. I didn't know that having the accessories powered would trigger the unlock function.


New Member
Mar 31, 2005
Portland, OR
I'm guessing you have an aftermarket alarm as I have never seen a factory Supra alarm that unlocks the doors when the engine (or Turbo Timer) shuts off.

What probably happens is there is a signal to the alarm to tell it when the engine shuts off. What might work would be to find that trigger wire and connect it to the Accessories instead of the Ignition. That way the alarm will see the Accessories turn off when you remove the key and unlock the doors. Then when the engine shuts off the Accessories will already be off and shouldn't unlock the doors again.

Please note that this is only a theory.