Did we really go to the moon?

Oct 11, 2005
Thousand Oaks, CA
LOL. I've worked on a few satellite programs. There are ways to mitigate the effects you speak of. Perhaps the hardest is making things radiation hard, but there is quite a bit of knowledge on how to do it these days. Spend some time searching the scientific literature and you will find answers to all your questions, except maybe the cheese! :biglaugh:


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
Well, I didnt want to name drop, but my last name is Schmidt. As in, Jack Schmidt, as in Apollo 17...walked on the moon kinda thing. No, Im not related, at least not directly...but my father, being a scientist who in the 70's was heavily involved with NASA, got a chance to meet Jack Schmidt (the same last names gave then good enough reason to talk, nevermind the fact that my dads research on the rocks Jack brought back were instrumental in solving one of the great mysteries of the 70's) Jack Schmidt came to our house for dinner one night and I was, and am still, proud to say I met an astronaut who walked on the moon. I cant believe the man was a liar.


Supramania Contributor
So, here is an idea. Your friend in the space program was a hero in the eyes of the country for a few reasons.

A.) He actually walked on the moon.
B.) He helped to provide us with a huge win at the time over the Russians with the world media. (And he's a great actor in water tanks on movie sets.)

Either way, he's a great American IMHO.

I'm not pissed if the USA pulled off the biggest propaganda coup in the world, but I belive that in light of some well founded questions, NASA should either provide the proof, or I suppose they can just spin it as outragous to even belive such baloney that we might not have actually put men on the moon.

I still find it VERY strange that the Russians, who were clearly ahead of us using German rocket scientists like we were, just gave up the moon to the Capitolists becasue we got there first with men. (The Russians claim to have landed a robot, and returned with rock samples themselves right? And before the manned missions we did.)
Let's see.
First in space. Russians.
First animal in space. You guessed it, Russia.
First man in space? Bingo! Da great bear.
First to the moon? Russian craft again. (Claimed right?)

We responded by scrapping our high altitude airplane/rocket programs in favor of using ICBM powered lifting platforms to blast men and test equipment into space. (With some spectacular losses I might add. Ever seen the failure films? Just watch "The Right Stuff." They show many of the failed launch attempts. Keep in mind that at this same time, the Russians were not failing launches publicly at least, and they made some serious hay with the world media over this.)

Ok, you think I'm an idiot, but consider this.
One of the reasons you can't build a magnetic rail launch platform here on Earth is the same reason you can breathe here. The air.
It creates serious resistance at velocities needed to escape our planet. (About 25,000 miles per hour give or take.)
Ok, so you need less velocity on the moon due to the smaller mass of the planet, and you don't have any atmosphere to deal with, so areo drag is no problem... You build the build the rail gun into tunnels at the right launch angles. It's easy to use existing TBM technology on the moon. No big deal. And you put most of your "base" under ground as well. (Radiaton shielding by feet of dirt is pretty effective for many types of radiation.) Also it's better armor against all but the largest meteorites that are going to stike the Moon's surface, and would otherwise hit your base if it was built on the surface completely.

Ok, so is this crazy? Why is it crazy to have a base on the Moon some 36 years or so from when we were there last..?

If anything, we are more grounded now than we were in the 60's and 70's if you think about it.


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
Adjuster said:
Keep in mind that at this same time, the Russians were not failing launches publicly at least, and they made some serious hay with the world media over this.)

Well thats just it. They had some very nasty failures that werent made public until quite recently actually. They lost more cosmonauts then we lost Astronauts. Actually we never lost a single apollo astronaut "in flight" It wasnt until the shuttle missions that that happened. If my memory serves correctly the russians lost 4. Including Gregaran, their most celebrated cosmonaut.

Adjuster, I know your just like me, trying to stir the pot and see what floats, and Im usually game.....or maybe thats "gamey" *sniffs self* But this topic is just a bit too far fetched to take very seriously....why dont we argue about whether the earth is flat or not!


Its not a hoax... I go to the moon all the time... when i'm drunk... aight peace :chicken: