Did we really go to the moon?


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Man, if we didnt go, someone better tell all those people and scientist who built those big ass rockets, that they did it just so we could say we faked it all.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
Adjuster said:
Second, space is full of micro meteorites traveling at super velocities.



This is actually a very real issue. The shuttle gets hit all the time. Even a flake of paint moving at 18,000 mph up there can cause a lot of damage. I remember watching a show about how all our satalites could end up preventing space travel if the "cascade effect" was ever to really happen.. This is from the Wiki..

"Cascade Effect" is a theoretical possibility that "space junk" or a satellite destroyed by a meteor will send debris throughout the orbits of most telecommunication satellites destroying them in the process and subsequently sending that debris into all possible orbits, destroying everything in orbit around the earth. It is theorized if this occurs, space flight beyond our planet will become very difficult if not impossible.

That would suck bigtime...

The shuttle has been a great tool, and it's too bad we have not implemented designs that would allow powered flight take off, scramjet propulsion and then a final rocket boost into low orbit. That would be a great way to travel too. (Imagine a flight from LA to Japan that takes less than 3 hours total? Sure beats 13 or more.)

Yeah, This is where personal and then commercial space flight will take off I think. You can take off and let the earth spin under you, then re-enter. Saves time and money, imo


Supramania Contributor
Well, imagine if your living quarters are insulated by 4mm of aluminum and some thermal insulation. That's it. No other protection. And you have to keep this capsule leak free for all the time your up there too.

I could see a small impact blowing a very large hole in the outer skin, and if it was in a less that easy place to reach, it might be very difficult to seal up in a reasonable amount of time. (Ok, so knowing this, you'd expect the crew to always be in suits, gloves ready to be put on, and helmets either on, or ready at a moment's notice.....)

But what do we see from the film footage? Guys floating around in thin jumpsuits, and spacesuits that take quite a while to put on and get ready to wear. (Much too long of a time to put the suit on if you have a serious leak caused by debris impact.)

I also think many great things have trickled down to us from space based research and ideas to overcome the hostile environment outside of our own planet.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
I think they take preventative measures like turning the ass of the shuttle into the direction of travel to minimize the chances of small impacts causing major damage. Same with the space station. The front facing parts with the greatest chances of impacts are more fortified as compared with the rest of the station.

The layers are thin, but they have air gaps between them which lets most of the energy dissipate before it tears into the inner layers causing air leaks. (they still occure though)..

I agree a lot of our break throughs have been from the space program. It is certainly not without great risk...

It's kind of cool thinking that someday we will be the "aliens"


XBL: Mkiii DriFt3r
May 22, 2005
honolulu, california
same here, about the aliens thing. maybe im too kiddy or what ever, but Halo...yes the game, if youve ever looked into the technology involved with that game and book trilogy you will find out that the weapons and armor mentioned are starting to be created here in real life. i actually think that in the near future if everything goes as planned and all these new technologies research continue we might be living the actual Halo...minus the rings, but who knows that might be a real thing too considering how vast the universe is and the fact that its growing every second, you never know there might even be other life out there. im sure there is because if we have an earth to call home, im sure there are other planets with something living on them to call it thier home. and this topic about other planets makes me think about religion...anyways anyone else agree?


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
MKIII N00b said:
same here, about the aliens thing. maybe im too kiddy or what ever, but Halo...yes the game, if youve ever looked into the technology involved with that game and book trilogy you will find out that the weapons and armor mentioned are starting to be created here in real life. i actually think that in the near future if everything goes as planned and all these new technologies research continue we might be living the actual Halo...minus the rings, but who knows that might be a real thing too considering how vast the universe is and the fact that its growing every second, you never know there might even be other life out there. im sure there is because if we have an earth to call home, im sure there are other planets with something living on them to call it thier home. and this topic about other planets makes me think about religion...anyways anyone else agree?

wheres my light saber.:biglaugh:


XBL: Mkiii DriFt3r
May 22, 2005
honolulu, california
there are lasers that we use to cut metals, so if they or who ever plans on using a laser as a sword, it would be smart to use the cutting laser.

holy shit, speaking of traveling to other planets...i want to see the transformers movie!!! that fucking trailer is so fuckking awesome...ok new thread!!!

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
The shuttle gets hit all the time. Even a flake of paint moving at 18,000 mph up there can cause a lot of damage.
Mass X velocity = momentum

A bb at 750 fps will break a window just as easily as a brick at 10 feet per second.

91T breezen'

Apr 4, 2005
I'd have to agree that this is an idiotic theory, that we never went to the moon.:aigo: Just the shear enormity of the lie that would have to have been perpetrated, makes it next to impossible. Too many people would have to be in on the hoax. Someone would have "spilled the beans". We went, it's not that far anyways. Why is it hard to believe?!:icon_conf

On a side note; Sounds like another stupid liberal concoction, just like 9/11 being an inside job by our government!

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
Too many people would have to be in on the hoax. Someone would have "spilled the beans".
And like most conspiracie theories, the conspiracy evidence usually will not hold a cup of water. Unless you want it to be true. Like the JFK morons.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
91T breezen' said:
On a side note; Sounds like another stupid liberal concoction, just like 9/11 being an inside job by our government!

Uhh ohh.. I should run away... But all I will say is:

I think there is evidence that "they" knew about the attacks ahead of time and evidence that "they" did nothing to stop "them".

In legal terms, this could be called "accessory to a crime" but that is a stretch, even for me... ;)

Still digging though...


Supramania Contributor
Whoa.. So Joel, you think this "did we go to the moon" thread is crazy, but you front ideas like Bush was in on 911 with the terrorists?

Now that is smoking crack for sure.

Years ago I worked for an areospace company, and their research labs as a janitor. (So much for your theory I'm Mr. Rich guy Republican...)
Anyway, being the cleaning guy, I had to be cleared for any area in the facility... (Not as easy as it sounds actually.)
So, basicly I was dumping trash and cleaning up rooms where the air was filtered down to micron's.
In these labs they were developing stuff I still can't talk about today, and there were things that turned what I thought I knew upside down at times.

So, belive what you want to belive, but the first time I heard this idea was working at night, talking to some brainiac rocket scientist. (I can talk about this guy, he was building a ion engine, and that technology is no longer classified, and is being used today on non military stuff.)
Anway, I asked if they planned on using these to power the next trip to the moon, and this guy just suddenly shut up, then tells me about how the whole moon landings program was faked, and goes into radiation shielding problems, micro asteroid impacts.
I laughed at him, thinking this was a joke.... He's dead serious. This guy was a total egg head, and was pretty dang smart, so why did he belive that we did not go to the moon? He starts going off on the Cold War, and the need to win in the eyes of the world over the Russians. Says the whole thing is a propaganda program gone nuts, and planned out to the finite degree, and presented infront of the world media to prove we went to the moon.

I did not have much time to hang around, and he was planning some test that I could not stick around for anyway, so I never got a chance to ask many questions, and never really saw this guy much anyway. (His daytime working hours ended about the time I was arriving at work, and his wing of the facility was not near the start of my rounds.)

The whole idea has stuck with me for years however. I belive there are merits to both sides of the arguement. We have some pretty compelling facts both ways.

Here is something to consider.
The Russians gave up the push to go to the Moon when we reached there. Why was that? (Does not make sense actually.)
We stopped going to the moon, and have not gone back, even with unmanned probes, and other craft. (Seems like a good place to test equipment and ideas to me, and there are hydrocarbons on the Moon we could use to power other spacecraft. (And launch them needing about 1/3 the fuel needed to get off Earth..)

Just think, build a electric rail gun type launch ramp, and use solar power to run it... (Assuming that the panels would not be wiped out by asteroids...) The sun's energy on the moon is much more profound since it's not diluted by miles of atmosphere like here on Earth.

Makes more sense to me than orbital space stations that have cost billions, and not acomplished the goal of building a jumping off point for Earth.

Why don't they go back and build the next step into our solar system. (Unless the issues brought up by the ion engine dude hold some water.)

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
Whoa.. So Joel, you think this "did we go to the moon" thread is crazy, but you front ideas like Bush was in on 911 with the terrorists?

You don't read very well, do you? I said just because there was a warning ahead of time and "they" (could be anyone) did not pay attention to it, makes them sloppy and dismissive,,,not criminals,,,in my view...

I bet "they" get lots of warnings and "they" do take them all seriously or act on them all.. But I am still looking..:biglaugh:

What was done directly afterwards, makes "them" criminals...:evil2:

Nice "spin" though...

And this threads topic is crazy.

More words

Ohh ok, now I believe you..