i picked up an 88 7mgte mkiii supra quite a while ago and have pretty much hit a wall with it. it was originally a project for me and a couple of buddies to work on but they have pretty much left me to do it myself and im the least mechanically inclined out of all of us lol. i have the intake and exhaust manifold back on but other than that im completely lost. i know its probably been asked a thousand times but ive been looking and can't really find it here or anywhere for that matter. what im looking for is pretty much something with good pictures to go off of that shows me where most of the parts go back on correctly because none of us took the time to take pictures before we ripped into it. ive tried using cygnusx1 but i just cant find anything in it that really shows me detail of the motor being slowly put back together. i only ask for this help because im on just about a one to two week deadline to get this thing ready to replace the one that's in the car already. if anyone could give me advice or any help with it in any way it would be appreciated greatly
thank you guys in advance!