Depleted uranium?!?!?!? WTF


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
I know that they used it for testing, but i never thought we would use it on the battle field,
and once we found out what it did, why do we continue to keep using it.
you remember gulf war syndrom? yea


watch this then tell me what u think, its graphic, and it really has nothing to do with bashing bush, this started before he was in office, so its more something to watch and learn from.
plz no flaming if a debate or topic pops up out of this keep it clean people.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
^^ yea but u did read it right, its freakin messed up, like something u would only imagine in movies or a video game.


boosted kraut
Mar 31, 2005
The knowledge of the US using Uranium to strengthen their ammo is not exactly new, is it? I remember that discussion taking place during the invasion of Iraq in 2003.
As to why they use it.... I guess it's just a matter of priorities; they probably accept the collateral damage caused by it in order to have superior ammunition? After all these are just some foreign far away places, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be using it in battles fought within "God's own country" itself (if there were any battles over there).
Just my 02 euro-cents.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
thats interesting and sick, ive know about DU but I didnt realize it would turn to dust and get airborn, it has to pack a huge punch to get through 12 inches of armor,

ive been reading about the new "rail guns" being developed, it uses just a solid bolt of aluminum and its just as effective , but the gun takes massive amount of juice to fire and is very big, not practical yet though,, once they scale it down a bit i doubt we will use DU anymore.. cool post..
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Manic Mechanic
Mar 30, 2005
Chesapeake, VA
Aluminum would aeresol too and have similar affects to the enviro. Lead from standard copper-jacketed bullets seep into the soil after being in the ground for a while. War is shit - and we always find new ways of killing people - in combat and after the fact. This is nothing new, and it's not going to change either. There are initiatives in congress to ban the us of DU ammo, but I doubt that's going to go very far. 17 other countries us DU ammo as well.


I Love What You Do For Me
Jul 28, 2005
Roswell NM
I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be using it in battles fought within "God's own country" itself
I think it'd be pretty stupid to think that DU ammunition isn't routinely used in America for training/testing purposes. So, just think of what this is doing to our brave young men and women who are near or in the strike zone or even down wind of it...not to mention all the innocent unknowing civilians. This could be you, going to the store or anything inhaling this radioactive materials and not even knowing it. Your children sure will, and thier children.

shouldent have fucked with us..

I'm almost certain that those children didn't do a damn thing to they deserve that? Come to think of it, I can't think of one time that Iraq "fucked" with America...when it comes down to it...we went into thier neighborhood and started "fucking" w/ them. That's why everybody in the world hates us, we can't mind our own business. God forbid if another country tried to interfer w/ anything that we wanted to do...all hell would break loose. What makes you any better than them because you were "lucky" enough to pop out of your momma's pussy in Alabama or Arkansas or wherever you are from...You could just as easily been born there...then do you think you'd be sitting there w/ your deformed children saying "Well, I guess we shouldn't have fucked w/ them."
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boosted kraut
Mar 31, 2005
Troyota said:
I think it'd be pretty stupid to think that DU ammunition isn't routinely used in America for training/testing purposes.
Agreed, sorry for being unclear. I meant if there were battles on the streets in the US, with civilians surrounding, the US army probably wouldn't use this ammo there. But that's just a guess.

BTW do you happen to know which countries exactly are also using DU? That's quite interesting....


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Brewster said:
I think you need to find another source of info, because sites like those are always skewed.

yea, sometimes that they are, but its 1/100th skewed off course than that of a US government site.
the whole point is i doubt that this flash animation of DU, is probably not skewed at all, the government openly admits to useing it, but just tells everyone its ok and not that big of a deal, just like 100% of the other stuff they say is ok and not that big of a deal.


I Love What You Do For Me
Jul 28, 2005
Roswell NM
I meant if there were battles on the streets in the US, with civilians surrounding, the US army probably wouldn't use this ammo there.

I'm not flaming you, but I think you are giving our government too much credit in the sense dept. Afterall, most of them come from the same genes that give us timeless classics such as:
shouldent have fucked with us..
I think if it came down to a fight inside the streets of America w/ enemy armor and all, they would use any "edge" in equipment and technology at thier disposal to end the invasion as quickly as possible. Which is the only good thing I can say about the entire concept, because if the battle were to last too long I'd think the real geniuses w/ control of the tactical nuclear weapons would start to get a little antsy. Then the good American people would have some real stuff to worry about. But hey, I guess that's what we would get for fucking w/ ourselves...:)


So it goes.
Apr 15, 2005
Morgantown, WV
D34DC311 said:
yea, sometimes that they are, but its 1/100th skewed off course than that of a US government site.
the whole point is i doubt that this flash animation of DU, is probably not skewed at all, the government openly admits to useing it, but just tells everyone its ok and not that big of a deal, just like 100% of the other stuff they say is ok and not that big of a deal.

What I'm saying is that that site could be completely incorrect. It just reminds me of that other flash where they were saying a missile is what hit the pentagon, and not a plane.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
i dont think there is any doubt that its toxic and radioactive, i just google/news search it, and there is a lot of disturbing info on it. its been around since the 60's... It seems we are just now realizing just how bad it really is.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
^^ the 60s holy shit.
brew: yea i agree totally, just this is kinda hard to say "they are full of shit"


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
^^ very interesting,
there isnt to much proof here also, this is just about the same as the link i have posted, this link is directly from a government owned and operated site, if you have tons of veterans that have gulf war syndrom, would u come out and say hey we fucked up but we arent going to stop using the technology


I Love What You Do For Me
Jul 28, 2005
Roswell NM was written by the government. I agree with the fact that it doesn't really have many facts to back up thier assertions. It's just a this is what we say and you should believe us, because we're the govt. The thing about the govt/military is they seem to be ok w/ an "acceptable" level of contamination and/or casualties associated w/ thier weapons and tactics as long as it reaches thier ultimate goals...then we'll worry about the fallout later. I just personally think this is a bad attitude to have.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Twin Cities, Minnesot-ah
lol that flash is funny

UD actually has the same properties as Tungsten. Mass and vaporization rate.

From an A-10 perspective. Mass means better penetrating power. Vaporization rate means when the munition is traveling through the air. It is actually vaporizing the outter shell to keep the point as sharp as possible. Upon impact it causes immidiate increase in temprature at the point of contact that melts through the tank armor/armor. Upon entering it loses enough energy that it turns the inside of a tank into a pinball machine except with UD shrapnel. End result is anyone in the tank is deader then dead.

UD sabotes are also used by the M-1 Abrahms.

Has it caused collateral damage? Probably. Guess what. War sucks.