Depleted uranium?!?!?!? WTF


Mar 31, 2005
Fort Campbell, KY
NATAN666 said:
i just wanted to quote you in case you edited your post. Becuase i wanted to ask you exactly how Iraq ever fucked with "us"(you; america)?

Not Ck, but I'll take a stab at it.

While those on the left side of politics have the upper hand with regards to being "right" about the pre war intelligence, I beleive that it's only a matter of time before it's discovered that the WMD the Saddam did have were slipped out of Iraq just prior to the invasion and is now sitting in Syria. Now that there has been a link established between the Syrian goverment & the insurgency, it gives the Syrian speculation a lot of credit.

During GW1 I saw assloads & assloads of 204mm & 156mm chemical rounds in the Euphrates River Valley, so I know it was there. During my second go around, several locals kept telling us that we were three days too late, the Iraqi goverment took truck after truck of ammunition off on flatbed trucks. When you're expected to fight a war, why would you haul off all of your ammo?
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I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
GrimJack said:
Rogue Leader: "Stay on topic... STAY ON TOPIC...."

Green Leader: "I've got it... I've got it...I'm Hit...."
Rogue Leader: "PULL UP"
Green Leader: "AHASHAshaHAAaasd"


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Twin Cities, Minnesot-ah
NATAN666 said:
i just wanted to quote you in case you edited your post. Becuase i wanted to ask you exactly how Iraq ever fucked with "us"(you; america)?

hmm not sure but i think it has to do with washington assisting Iraq in the early 80's to include the sales of chem weapons?? That just a wild ass guess and purely speculative off course.


DU rounds are awesome and there is NO BETTER Sound in the world than the GAU-8 spewing 3900 rounds/min of DU death.


Lurk R
Apr 5, 2005
Calgary/Brooks, Alberta Canada
people have to realize something, IRAQ WAS A THIRD WORLD COUNTRY....with reflective health standards. thus, consider the fact that yes, the war in iraq sucked, it hurt the United States military nearly as much as the civilians did (2000 troops killed, lord rest their souls) but the thing is depleted uranium, is well, DEPLETED!!!! thats the entire reason for its use, like grimjack said, the actual ammunition isnt bad, its the after effects, as was explained, when a DU round hits something it literally melts through the target and turns the inside into a pressure cooker and caused alot of toxic dust to be created. now consider this, lead is quite lethal and has long term after effects, all modern bullets have lead content (even steel shot shells) either in the casings, gunpowder or otherwise. if you dont wash your hands and take normal sanitary procedures after handling the ammo, it even says on the ammo boxes, the lead can cause health problems and sterilization is one of them. those explosions and dust clouds, full off particles from a heavy metal, the depleted uranium and the lead will have a very adverse effect if they were to be inhaled, absorbed into ground water or if enough were to get into the surrounding soil or air. also if the radiation was that severe, it wouldnt just cause birth defects, it would upright abort the fetus, regardless what trimester it was in, look at radioactive idodine used for treating thyroid cancer, if a man taking that goes near a pregant women, theres a very high chance he'll about the baby and set off any geiger counters too. lead and heavy metals are just as toxic as radioactive elements when entering the bloodstream.

also, if you have ever played any flight sims or seen any fighter plane videos, youll remember the A-10 tank killer or Warthog, that big green beast's main cannon, the avenger, fired 30 MM depleted uranium high explosive shells, in one of those videos i also saw techs and pilots loading those bullets into the cannon's magazine if it was radioactive and lethal if in contact with the human body, do you really think they would allow highly expensive people like a fighter pilot or a fighter jet mechanic to handle it in such without a hazmat suit? seriously.... DU rounds arent dripping toxic waste or kicking off dust when being loaded into an A-10 or a m1 abramns.
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Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
NecroCyde said:
look at radioactive idodine used for treating thyroid cancer, if a man taking that goes near a pregant women, theres a very high chance he'll about the baby

I take it about = abort ?

Let me ask a radiologist 2morrow... We X-ray pregnant (and stupid) women all the time, it's gonna take a lot more than walking by someone who has been down for a nuc med study to abort a child...

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
when i race the honda next to me, im always in the lead!!!

j/k right off the net...
Lead is a chemical element in the periodic table that has the symbol Pb (L. Plumbum) and atomic number 82. A soft, heavy, toxic and malleable poor metal, lead is bluish white when freshly cut but tarnishes to dull gray when exposed to air. Lead is used in building construction, lead-acid batteries, bullets and shot, and is part of solder, pewter, and fusible alloys. Lead has the highest atomic number of all stable elements. ...


New Member
Aug 27, 2005
Southern California
First off let me say I was wrong about the half life of uranium, it is 4.5 billion years. Lead is decayed uranium that began its decay before or around the time the earth was being formed. So as some have mentioned DU is no more dangerous than lead when it's used as bullets. The real danger comes when you try and use force against an overwhelming force such as shooting at an A-10 loaded with DU rounds. It's sad that some in our country look at us as the evil government when in reality there is no such thing as government. A government is made up of citizens from all walks of life and political views. No one party can accomplish anything without the approval of some members of the opposing parties. When it comes to approving DU rounds for use in military conflicts I am 100% sure it has been blessed by members from both parties since the military had to go to Congress to get the money to buy the rounds in the first place. I don’t believe DU rounds are as hideous as lets say a Kamikaze diving on an aircraft carrier loaded with 3000 US servicemen. War is hell and it aint pretty. but to win you have to show overwhelming force, and there will be civilian casualties. The whole point of overwhelming force is to minimize our casualties as well as the other side. We don’t firebomb cities anymore, but at one time in history that's what it took to win a world war in Europe. In the future I'm sure we will cease to use DU rounds since something far more effective will replace it with less Political fallout.


Senior Member
Mar 31, 2005
NATAN666 said:
i just wanted to quote you in case you edited your post. Becuase i wanted to ask you exactly how Iraq ever fucked with "us"(you; america)?


When I was deployed in support of Southern Watch before the Iraq war ever happened, the Iraqis shot at our resources EVERY SINGLE DAY. We're talking aggressively trying to start a war. They did this for over a decade since we whupped their ass the first time.

They violated dozens upon dozens of UN regulations where the consequence was supposed to have been forcible disarmament. They violated these for over a decade with no retaliation from the pussies in the UN.

This was a long time in the coming.

As to the topic at hand. Frankly I'm more concerned about all the anthrax shots I've had while deployed than I am about being exposed to DU. Not to mention the shots that they didnt tell me what the hell they were.

Dark Ninja

New Member
Jan 20, 2006
Near Philadelphia PA
First off let me say I was wrong about the half life of uranium, it is 4.5 billion years. Lead is decayed uranium that began its decay before or around the time the earth was being formed

um, to my knowledge lead is lead, and uranium is uranium. they are seperate elements, and from what i know, one element does not just decompose and become another. i could be wrong, but im pretty sure im right.

as for that flash, yes, its bullshit. not your run of the mill bullshit either, complete 100% pure unfilltered premium bullshit. i love propaganda. its also a well known fact that every thing on the internet is true.......the jerk off that made that flash should get his ass beaten. there is no proof, no evidence, just a few numbers that have no resources to back it. using disfigured baby corpses to screw with peoples minds is an allstar move. way to take the attention away from the details by showing some seriously disturbing baby pictures. its there to put the point accross right? nope, just there to keep your attention while he pulls a gerble out of his ass.

depleted uranium is relativly safe, as long as your not the poor bastard that its being fired at. sure alot of the info on it comes from the govt. but who else has access to it in large enough quantities to test its effects?

most of those baby pics look to be from places like . as we all know, all deformed babies must be the product of DU.

our government may not allways know what its doing, but normaly hazardous materials are handled VERY carefully.

before any of you belive anything you see/read/hear on the internet, please look for more info on it and form your own opinion on the matter. that way you wont look like a puppet, and you can actualy have a clue. honestly, this holds true for mass media such as news stations and news papers. i belive there was a story in the ny times about a sniper that killed a bunch of people a while back, and it turns out that the writer made it up. his ass got fired for it too. the moral of that story is allways look around for your info, not just one source.

damn, its 3am and i have no idea what im talking about any more....

im done.

Dark Ninja

New Member
Jan 20, 2006
Near Philadelphia PA
yea, well im bored and didnt read it all, im freakin tired as hell. dont feel like sleeping because im looking for parts online. i going to a junk yard to look for some parts for my supra in the morning and have nothign better to do than put in my $


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
^^ lol
its all coo. Junk yards are cool, always see stuff that your like you know what i could do with that.


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
outofstep said:
As to the topic at hand. Frankly I'm more concerned about all the anthrax shots I've had while deployed than I am about being exposed to DU. Not to mention the shots that they didnt tell me what the hell they were.

No shit! Anthrax is the most painful series of shots I have ever received. You don't feel it when it first goes in, but right about the time you are walking out of the clinic, this cold, burning creeps down your arm. It's like fire and ice are working their way down your arm, and you can feel it in every little vein to your fingertips. It stings, too, like alcohol on a paper cut. Many people are in pain for a few days from these shots. The pain varies, but one guy I worked with told me he couldn't sleep on the side of his body where he got the shot.
Another "fun" vaccination you get is smallpox. I just received mine 14 months ago. They take this little barbed needle and prick you three times. You barely feel it, and it's only enough to break the skin. In fact, they have to squeeze your arm to make blood come out of the little area where they pricked [which sucked, because they squeezed the same area where I received two other shots that day]. A few days later, you get this nasty circle the size of a dime at the site. It looks like a big pimple, really. You have to change your bandages and dispose of all bandages and material carefully, so as not to spread it on yourself or others [keep it isolated to that part of your body]. Well, mine took forever but it healed [I am a slow healer; some people take 2 weeks - mine took almost 2 months to heal properly, and I didn't pick at it or anything stupid]. I still have a nasty bump on my arm. It's scar tissue a little bigger around than a pencil eraser and protrudes half as much. Once in awhile it will itch, too...